Re-Examining Pluvial Lake Chewaucan Shorelines

Presenter(s): Brianna Kenrick

Faculty Mentor(s): Pat McDowell

Poster 66

Session: Sciences

The Chewaucan Basin of Eastern Oregon has been the subject of numerous studies and notable archaeological finds, including the oldest known human remains in North America. While currently a high desert, 20kya it held Lake Chewaucan, a vast lake covering 1,244km2 and up to 114 meters deep. Due to the archaeological significance of the region, it remains imperative to build on the previous lake-level research and develop the most accurate shore-line map possible in the hopes of supporting further archaeological and paleoenvironmental research in the Great Basin. This project re-examines previous lake-levels cited in literature through the use of an RTK GPS system to obtain more accurate elevations from previously identified lake shore sites and then maps those elevations using current satellite imagery and DEM data. Shoreline profile elevations obtained from different data sources are then compared to discuss the best method.