Correction of evolving background signals in single-shot transient absorption measurements

Presenter(s): Madelyn Scott

Faculty Mentor(s): Cathy Wong & Kelly Wilson

Oral Session 3 S

The electronic properties of organic molecules can be tuned to attain target electronic functionality. This feature of organic molecules enables their use in technologies like solar cells and light-emitting diodes (LEDs), in replacement of conventional silicon materials. The electronic properties of organic systems can change depending on way individual molecules pack together to form larger aggregate structures. Understanding how the behavior of organic molecules changes while molecular aggregation occurs enhances our insight into how target electronic functionality can be obtained by altering the environment of the molecular system. Conventional methods of studying the electronic properties of molecular systems are not equipped to measure evolving materials. To examine the changing electronic properties of materials systems, we have developed a single-shot transient absorption (SSTA) spectrometer capable of measuring structurally non-equilibrated samples, like molecules in a solution stacking into a final aggregate structure. However, evolving samples have changing background signals which can hinder SSTA measurements of the electronic properties of a sample. In this work, we demonstrate a shot-to- shot correction of dynamic background signals for SSTA measurements. Our correction scheme improves the robustness of SSTA for measurement of materials systems during molecular aggregation. Characterizing the electronic properties of organic semiconducting molecules during molecular aggregation will ultimately facilitate the achievement of target electronic properties for use in technological devices, like solar cells and LEDs, which are becoming increasingly prevalent in our contemporary society.

Semiconductor-Electrocatalyst Interfaces on Photoanodes Designed for Photoelectrochemical Cells

Presenter(s): Adrian Gordon

Faculty Mentor(s): Shannon Boettcher

Oral Session 3 S

Solar water splitting using photoelectrochemical cells is a promising method for storing solar energy in the form of hydrogen bonds. Photoelectrochemical cells consist of two surfaces, the photocathode and photoanode, at which hydrogen and oxygen evolve from an electrolyte solution. Thin metal or metal-oxide electrocatalyst films are often deposited onto silicon based photoanodes in order to catalyze the oxygen evolution reaction and to protect the silicon from corrosion. Previous research has shown that thinner electrocatalyst films are correlated with more efficient photoanodes. However, the underlying physical processes driving this correlation remain unclear. This research uses an electrodeposition technique combined with cyclic voltammetry and atomic force microscopy to gain a deeper understanding of the semiconductor-electrocatalyst interface on photoanodes.

Optimization of Silicon Detector for the International Linear Collider Through Reconstructing of Higgs to Two Tau Decay Chanel

Presenter(s): Joey Carlson

Faculty Mentor(s): James Brau & Jason Barkeloo

Oral Session 3 S

The University of Oregon Silicon Detector (SiD) Optimization Group is working to improve the design for the SiD electromagnetic (EM) calorimeter for the proposed International Linear Collider (ILC). Through the use of high energy electron-positron collisions, the ILC aims to create low noise events with a high rate of Higgs boson production. The discovery of the Higgs boson was crucial to providing further evidence for the Standard Model, but there is still much to learn about its properties and interactions. In particular, the Higgs boson self-coupling, which helps determine the strength of Higgs boson interactions, remains undiscoverable with current particle collider technology. Using a realistic physics simulation, we can analyze how particle collisions that decay according to the Standard Model interact with the proposed SiD for the ILC. In my research I attempt to reconstruct a certain decay mode of the Higgs boson (decaying to two tau leptons) using simulated detector information in order to make a statement on the energy resolution of the SiD EM calorimeter for the ILC, and thus its potential to further elucidate the Higgs couplings.

Resolution Optimization of the Silicon Detector in the International Linear Collider: Seeking New Physics with the Higgs Boson.

Presenter(s): Davis Austin

Faculty Mentor(s): James Brau & Jason Barkeloo

Oral Session 3 S

As it stands for particle physics today our best understanding of how fundamental particles and forces interact is theorized by the Standard Model. Trying to understand some of the failings of the Standard Model is the goal of the International Linear Collider (ILC) and other colliders around the globe. Discerning the properties of the Higgs Boson is an important step towards the goal of an updated Standard Model. Ideally we wish to do this as clearly and as cost effectively as possible. Based around the specifications outlined in the ILC Technical Design Report (TDR)(arXiv:1306.6327 [physics.acc-ph], 2013.) and simulations of high energy electrons in an Electromagnetic (EM) Calorimeter, built from tungsten and silicon detectors, we have compared simulations of many possible configurations for the EM Calorimeter. These include variable depth and sampling frequency. Based on many different EM Calorimeter configurations, we have learned that the resolution of better than two per cent at 100 Gigaelectronvolts (GeV) can be achieved with significant cost savings relative to the TDR design. From this research we have a better understanding on the design optimization of the EM Calorimeter for the ILC and possibly future similar linear colliders.