How We Think About Math

Presenter(s): Nitan Avivi

Faculty Mentor(s): Mauricio Gomez Lopez

Oral Session 3 RA

Going into college I didn’t know what I wanted to study. I decided to take an introduction to proof class my freshman year and I loved it. The way we think when doing math is fascinating to me. Math makes up rules and follows them to see what conclusions they yield. The amazing thing is that those conclusions end up being useful. Continuing to explore the knowledge we can find fascinates me.
A common complaint about math is that ideas like imaginary numbers are useless, as well as just boring. Those complaints often come from a failure in how we teach math. Math is not about numbers. Math is about how to pursue truth. It teaches us to be honest about our assumptions and their implications. I hope to help change that perspective by becoming a math professor, educating people about math while explaining its beauty and further researching it.