What’s in the Box: Using a Comparative Collection to Identify Mystery Avian Bones

Presenter(s): Amelia Delgado − Biological Anthropology

Faculty Mentor(s): Frances White, Madonna Moss

Poster 128

Research Area: Social Science

The UO Primate Osteology Lab had an unmarked collection of bird bones in need of identification. The bones, which were associated with an Excel database, were found to be a project begun by a past graduate student, Brendon Culleton. Many of the bones were labeled with a number and where they were found, however a majority lacked identifications to genus. All bones were collected between 1997 and 1999 from California State Parks such as: Waddell Creek Beach, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Natural Bridges State Beach, Nisene Marks State Forest, Moss Landing State Beach, Point Lobos Reserve, and Zmudowski State Beach.

For this collection, I worked with Madonna Moss in the Zooarchaeology Lab to learn basic bird anatomy and how to identify the bones with the use of the lab’s avian comparative collection. Learning these skills allowed me to gain experience in curating a researchable collection. This collection was found to include humeri, femora, carpometacarpi and other specialized bird bones, which I identified to genus and organized into an Excel database for future use. Identifications revealed that there were at least 12 species of coastal birds such as scoters, gulls, and western grebes present in the box. Upon completion of this project, this avian bone collection can be utilized for potential teaching aspects of fundamental anatomy of coastal birds.

Alutiiq Use of Birds at Rice Ridge (49–KOD–363), Kodiak Island

Presenter(s): Amy Shannon—Anthropology

Faculty Mentor(s): Madonna Moss

Session: Prerecorded Poster Presentation

Rice Ridge is a deeply stratified archaeological deposit on Kodiak Island . It has a well-preserved faunal assemblage, including an extensive bird bone assemblage, associated with the Ocean Bay tradition (7600-4200 BP) . One study has shown that birds are an important part of the lifeways of Ocean Bay groups, but this has not yet been investigated on Kodiak Island, where Alutiiq ancestors have been conventionally portrayed as primarily dependent on marine mammals and fish . We have studied bird bones from four of the sixteen excavation units at Rice Ridge, yielding 4,714 bone fragments identifiable to element, of which 3,734 were identified to taxon . Cormorants (Phalacrocorax spp .), ducks (primarily Melanitta spp . and Somateria spp .), geese, and murres (Uria spp .) were the most prevalent taxa . Less than 5% of all fragments were from terrestrial species, indicating a heavy exploitation of marine birds . This poster presents our analysis of modifications to the bones, such as cut marks and burning, as well as the representation of different skeletal elements . We are able to infer that birds were used not only as food sources, but to make bird skin clothing .