Inequities faced by asylum seekers from Guatemala and Mexico under the Trump Administration

Presenter(s): Juanita Dominguez — Global Studies

Faculty Mentor(s): Lesley Jo Weaver

Session: (Virtual) Oral Panel—Health and Social Science

For my thesis, I will be looking at inequities faced by asylum seekers under the Trump Administration. I look at immigration policy since the beginning of his administration until the very end of it. The thesis touches on push factors that motivate individuals to leave their home country and immigrate to the United States. Additionally, I look in depth on the way these changes affected mental health on asylum seekers. While there were lots of policy changes during his tenure, asylees were greatly affected by so many legislative and policy changes. Due to the Remain in Mexico Program and and the Zero Tolerance Police children, just as much as adults faced equal mental health challenges and disparities. I highlight inhumane treatment faced by these individuals as well. My overall conclusion is that asylum seekers faced great mental health inequities under the Trump Administration. While the Obama Administration also had a narrow immigration policy, it didn’t come as ill-mannered as the policy under Trump. This research is of great significance because of the nature and seriousness regarding seeking asylum.