The relationship between prison work and education programs and employment post incarceration

Presenter: Max Wilson – Family and Human Services

Co-Presenter(s): Hannah Volker

Faculty Mentor(s): Miriam

Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation

Study Purpose: Individuals who were formerly incarcerated have a more difficult time gaining employment than those who weren’t. Education programs offered in prisons are meant to help reintegrate individuals back into society once they are released. These programs include educational resources that cover basic education, GED certification, degree programs, trade training, and more. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between prison education or work programs and employment post incarceration.

Study Design: Using data from the Life Study, a dataset consisting of 411 individuals reentering their communities after incarceration, we conducted a Pearson’s Correlation to determine the correlation between any participation in prison education or work programs, and employment post incarceration.

Findings: Our findings suggest that there is no statistically significant correlation between participating in a prison education or work program and employment post incarceration.

Conclusion: These results may indicate that variables beyond education are involved in limiting the ability to find employment after serving one’s sentence. They could also indicate that the current way these programs are run is ineffective at preparing individuals for finding jobs. Future research should further examine this relationship and explore how to make prison education programs more effective at educating incarcerated individuals and preparing them for the workforce at reentry.

Food Security Among University of Oregon Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Presenter: Jennifer Vuong – Family and Human Services, Psychology

Faculty Mentor(s): Dr. Elizabeth Budd

Session: (In-Person) Oral Panel—Covering Covid

U.S college students are vulnerable to low food security and students of color more so than White students. Those with low food security tend to consume fewer daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Low food security and lower fruit and vegetable intake are associated with poor health outcomes. Food security and eating behaviors of University of Oregon (UO) students during the pandemic are unknown. This study examines the food security and eating behaviors of UO students, whether food security varies by race and ethnicity, and how fruit and vegetable intake may vary by students’ income level, student status, and use of food assistance programs. From August-October 2020, 779 UO students completed a Qualtrics survey. One-way ANOVAs were conducted. In Fall 2020, 47.2% of UO students reported low food security. Black/African American students experienced low food security at higher rates than White students (p = .045). Fruit and vegetable intake significantly varied by income (p = .001; p = .001) and student status (p = .01; p = <.001). Only vegetable intake significantly varied by use of food assistance programs (p =.04). Concerningly, low food security is common among UO students and more common among Black/African American students. Also, undergraduates and lower-income students consume fewer fruits and vegetables than other students. Findings can inform programs to support food security and healthy eating.

Gender differences in externalizing and internalizing behaviors for children of incarcerated parents

Presenter: Julia Rehmann – Family and Human Services, Psychology

Faculty Mentor(s): Abbie Sanders, Jean Kjellstrand

Session: (Virtual) Poster Presentation

Children with an incarcerated parent are three to four times as likely to engage in delinquent behavior and two and a half times as likely to have mental health problems when compared to children without an incarcerated parent. As soon as fourth grade, gender differences emerge between externalizing and internalizing symptoms, with girls showing higher rates of internalizing behaviors and boys showing higher rates of externalizing behaviors. Using data drawn from the Linking Interests of Families and Teachers (LIFT) project, the current study examined the impact of gender on the externalizing and internalizing behavior ratings of fifth-grade students with incarcerated parents (n = 67). Results from an independent samples t-test revealed that scores between male and female students did not significantly differ in externalizing or internalizing behavior ratings. Prior literature had established distinct differences in a general population between externalizing and internalizing behaviors based on sex. In contrast, the findings in this study highlight the need for further examination of how behavior is impacted by parental incarceration.

How Does Age of 1st Point of Contact Relate to Highest Level of Educational Attainment?

Presenter: Jasmine Burgin Family and Human Services

Co-Presenter(s): Meg Stradley, Alberto Lepe-Romero

Faculty Mentor(s): Miriam Clark

(In-Person) Poster Presentation

Ample evidence suggests that policing in schools creates an environment in which children are prosecuted for non-dangerous delinquency, instead of normal school discipline practices, resulting in higher dropout rates and greater likelihood of future incarceration. Limited evidence suggests that the age of first contact with police may similarly impact this trajectory. The current study seeks to examine the relationship between age of first contact with police and highest education level attained to more fully understand how age of first contact may be associated with negative outcomes for kids.

Using data from the Life Study, a dataset consisting of 411 individuals reentering their communities after incarceration, we used Pearson’s correlation to determine the correlation between the age of 1st point of contact by police, and the highest level of education completed.

The relationship between the first point of contact and the highest level of education is not statistically significant.

Children being policed in the school system creates a system in which they are set up to have repeat offenses throughout their school career, impacting their educational attainment and quality of education. Though this study shows no statistically significant correlation, further research is needed beyond this data set to provide greater understanding of how to create a system in which children have a better chance at succeeding by providing other programs that help aid children.

Monitoring Fuel Treatment Efficacy in Oak Habitat at Suzanne Arlie Park

Presenter: Zoey Bailey − Family and Human Services

Co-Presenter(s): Hans Bertelsen, Isabel Mosley, Alex Murphy

Faculty Mentor(s): Peg Boulay

(In-Person) Oral Panel—Fuel, Fire, Grass and Compost

Upland oak prairies and oak savannas are scarce within Oregon’s Willamette Valley. In order to restore these fire-dependent communities, we must integrate prescribed fire and land stewardship practices. Our team has been working closely with the City of Eugene Parks and Open Spaces Department to collect vegetation data to evaluate the effects of fuels management at Suzanne Arlie Park. Project goals are to conduct vegetation monitoring and evaluate fuel loads within plots that have been untreated or treated with herbicide, mastication, mowing, and prescribed burns. A paramount aspect of our team’s protocol is to collect data on species composition and richness, which is key for management decisions such as prescribed fire. We have used a nested plot design: determining the plot center using randomized methods, measuring and describing trees and large woody fuels present within a 1/100th acre plot, measuring shrub cover along a 50 ft transect, and describing herbaceous cover and small woody fuels in three 1 m2 quadrats. Site awareness parameters consisted of photo monitoring points and qualitative assessment with comments. Our findings will be used to make management recommendations to the City of Eugene for Suzanne Arlie Park and the Ridgeline Trail System. These recommendations will be used to implement fuels reduction treatments; restore, enhance, and promote awareness of native habitats; and will increase collaboration across parks within Eugene’s Wildland-Urban Interface.

An Earth That Speaks and Those Who Listen: Climate Change in Inuit Oral Tradition

Presenter: Shannon Ferry

Family and Human Services

Poster Presentation


Climate change in North America is a topic often spoken about but rarely understood. Even more rarely understood are the different types of detection and attribution of climate-related events over time for different cultures. While Western society often views detection and attribution of climate-related events in a purely scientific way, there is much to be said for the means of detection and attribution in indigenous cultures through means of oral traditions and stories. In this essay, the oral stories of glacier movement and sea ice of the Inuit tribes in Northwest Canada and Alaska will be examined in conjunction with scientific studies in an attempt to synthesize the climate changes of the late Little Ice Age and after with the changing oral traditions of tribes at that time. With this synthesis, it is hoped that insight into climate change over time, effects of climate on indigenous groups, and different kinds of detection and attribution will be better understood for use in today’s modern society.

Effects of Global Climate Change on the Psychology of Children and Adolescents

Presenter: Hillary Boost

Family and Human Services

Poster Presentations


This is an evaluation of the psychological impacts of global climate change on children and adolescents. It is hypothesized that global climate change has effects on the psychological wellbeing of children and adolescents, including increased rates of depression, insecurity, anxiety, and suicide rates. This paper analyzes existing county, state, and country documents detailing rates of the issues listed above as well as research articles examining the ways in which climate and psychological wellbeing interact to determine the relationship be- tween global climate change and increased rates of psychological concerns for children and adolescents, particularly in western society. Given the gradual and cumulative nature of climate change and its psychological effects, studying its impact on child and adolescent psychological wellbeing may provide new insight into the vast repercussions of global climate change.

Association between marital status and number of chronic health conditions among US Latinx adults

Presenter(s): Yessenia Villalobos—Family and Human Services

Faculty Mentor(s): Elizabeth Budd

Session: Prerecorded Poster Presentation

Background: Being married versus single is associated with better health outcomes among non- Latinx White adults, especially for men . Although rates of chronic diseases are high among Latinx adults, the association between marital status and chronic diseases among US Latinx adults is unknown . Objectives: To examine the association of marital status and number of chronic health conditions among US Latinx adults and how this association varies by gender . Methods: 798 US Latinx adults (Mage = 39 .64 ± 15 .05y; 59% female; 46% married or in a civil union; 35 .6% single) answered a Qualtrics Panels survey . Marital status, current chronic health conditions, and gender were assessed using the Demographic and Health Data Questionnaire . One-way ANOVA stratified by gender was conducted . Results: Marital status was associated with the number of chronic health conditions (p< .001); respondents who were not married, but in a relationship had significantly fewer chronic health conditions than those married or in a civil union . Additionally, those widowed had significantly more chronic health conditions than those single and those not married, but in a relationship . Among women, those not married, but in a relationship had fewer chronic conditions than those married or in a civil union (p< .05) . Among men, those single and those not married, but in a relationship had fewer chronic health conditions than those married or in a civil union (p< .001) . Conclusions: Across genders among Latinx adults, not being married was associated with fewer chronic health conditions, inconsistent with literature on non-Latinx White adults . Health promotion efforts could target married Latinx adults .

The Effect of Nonprofit Mission Trips to Latin American countries and the Promotion of the White Savior Complex

Presenter(s): Katie Leonard—Family & Human Services

Co-Presenter(s): Emily Harris

Faculty Mentor(s): Matthias Vogel

Session: Prerecorded Poster Presentation

Many a well-intentioned mission trip to Mexico and Middle or South America can have unintended effects . They can lead to a sort of institutionalized dehumanization and to human rights violations, especially considering many NGOs seem to have ulterior motives when aiding Latin American countries . Our research illuminates the intricate interplay between a genuine desire to help and the self-serving reality of a “White Savior Complex” which mission trips can feed, even if it is often unintentional . We examine the media portrayal of mission trips, the public advertising for mission trips by religious organizations and institutions, and include case studies of actual mission trips to illuminate concepts such Impure Altruism and mission drift particularly as pertaining to nonprofit organizations . There are several ways in which Americans are conditioned to the ways of the white savior complex, which include: volunteering abroad, the ways in which government covers foreign policy, the teaching of world history in classroom settings, and the way in which Hollywood portrays Latin countries . A contested topic resulting in a serious divide between races, some white people claim that those who bring light to the topic of the white savior complex, particularly people of color, are committing reverse racism . Our project aims to contribute to the larger discussion and to bring to light the mechanisms of dehumanization in order to further better empathy and true understanding .

The Media and Social Action Academic Residential Community

Presenter(s): Devyn Jacobson—Psychology, Family and Human Services

Co-Presenter(s): Maxwell Ely, Nick Lamora, Makenzie Elliott, Alan Torres, Isabel Kristensen

Faculty Mentor(s): Charlie Butler, Emily Henkelman

Session 2: Media and Social Action ARC Panel

In the fall of 2019, 29 first-year students from across the nation with different backgrounds but, with the same passion for journalism had met for the first time as The Media and Social Action ARC . Eager to get to work, these students very quickly understood that their power was not in numbers but in being passionate young adults in America . This role in society is one that allows us to work towards meaningful changes and know that we can achieve this by elevating voices and spreading awareness .

This group has worked throughout the year to learn more about journalism, communication, and social justice . For example, by joining clubs like UOJPEG, writing stories for the Daily Emerald and Ethos Magazine, they had classes based on learning about journalism from UO faculty from the SOJC, and had off-campus opportunities such as volunteering for Food for Lane County .

The students of this ARC used their learning throughout the year to create a platform in which they could truly elevate their voices and spread awareness . This platform is now known as Amplify, their online publication . The focus of Amplify this year is sustainability in the city of Eugene and

on The University of Oregon campus . Thus far, the ARC has produced five stories on this topic and are currently working in stories about COVID-19 and its affects in communities nationwide . Moving forward this group of students will continuing to spread awareness about social justice and motivate others to do the same .

Note to the judges: Attached below is a link to our 2019–20 online publication, Amplify . https://maxwelle7 .wixsite .com/amplify