Presenter(s): Nozomi Yamada
Co Presenter(s): Alexandra Urrutia, Riley Roefaro
Faculty Mentor(s): Peg Boulay & Sarah Stoeckl
Poster 177
Session: Environmental Leaders ARC
In the U.S alone, approximately 500 million plastic straws are used everyday. Earlier studies estimate that about 8.3 billion plastic straws pollute the beaches around the world (Gibbons). Most plastic debris end up in the ocean and in the bellies of wildlife creatures, compromising the welfare of marine ecosystems and organisms. Because plastic is not biodegradable, it remains in the ocean and the environment for years. Our mission is to create an environment for students to consider taking action to reduce plastic straw use. Our project works to try and minimize the use of plastic straws on campus so that less waste is produced and that students will rethink their lifestyle choices by considering what role plastic plays in their lives. Using the results of our recently conducted survey, we will make flyers about plastic straws and promote the issue of plastic pollution on campus. Our goal is to propose a policy change that will make plastic straws available on request only at all dining halls. In regards to our survey results, 75.2% of the 234 respondents are in favor of such a policy. By proposing a straw upon request only policy statement, we will be helping make the University of Oregon a more sustainable campus.