CMS ARC Cultural Assets and Advocacy through Identity Poems and Artistic Expression

Presenters: Nasistu Bedada, Symone Cole, Damaris Garcia-Rios, Donyé Green, Ben Her, Courtney Holman, Raquell Johnson-Mendoza, Joey Lim, Juan Mancillas, Natalie Perez, Jaden Salama, Katrina Villacarlos

Faculty Mentor: Jeanne Nagayama Hall

ARC Session 4C

Research Area: Education

Community For Multicultural Scholars Academic Residential Community

Funding: Undergraduate Studies, University Housing, Student Life, Equity & Inclusion, College of Education, Academic Affairs

The cultural assets and identities of underrepresented university students are not always valued or understood, especially in predominantly White institutions. Although the student of color enrollment numbers has slightly increased over the last ten years at the University of Oregon these numbers are still below the national percentage of underrepresented groups. Numerical underrepresentation can increase belonging uncertainty, especially for students who value their racial identities in a dominant culture group setting. Therefore, it is important to hear the cultural identity stories of UO students of color. In the Fall 2017, the Community of Multicultural Scholars academic residential community focused on supporting and developing each other’s racial and other identities and identifying one’s own cultural assets that support one’s thriving through adverse circumstances, such as discrimination and campus climate issues The Winter 2018 discussions developed each other’s scholarly identity as students of color, and the Spring 2018 now provides opportunities for each student to advocate for equity in the face of stereotype threat and micro-aggressions. Based on the inspiration of Christensen’s (2015) activist approach to poetry, and in collaboration with the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, each student will present and advocate for their cultural assets and stories through the presentation of their identity poem and artistic expression.

The Impact of Dangerous Minds in Teacher Education: Exploring the Use of the Representation of School in Film to Raise Critical Consciousness in Preservice Teachers

Presenter(s): Cali Hodge − Educational Foundations

Faculty Mentor(s): Alison Schmitke, Asilia Franklin-Phipps

Oral Session 2M

Research Area: Education

This investigation highlights how the representation of schools, teachers, students in the film Dangerous Minds interacts with societal perspectives of race, gender, and class as they pertain to the education system. By supplementing my analysis of this film with the existing literature on the broader trend of representations of school in film, I will attempt to answer
the following research questions: (1) How does Dangerous Minds operate within a broad pattern of film representation to inform the viewers understanding of race, class, and gender within schools? (2) To what extent does a study of film representation within the University of Oregon’s College of Education impact the critical consciousness of future educators? Through my research, I hope to demonstrate that this film contributes to inaccurate stereotypes that negatively impact the perception of schools, as well as individuals involved in the education system. I additionally aim to explore how teacher education programs attempt to disrupt the perpetuation of these stereotypes, highlighting the University of Oregon’s Educational Foundations program as one example of this approach. I will complete my research through a case study analysis of Dangerous Minds, as well as conducting interviews with instructors and students within the College of Education. Through this investigation, I hope to add to the existing literature in the field of education studies by exploring how this film chooses to represent schools, teachers, and students, and how teacher education programs can support preservice teachers and their future in education by interrupting the perpetuation of these stereotypes.