Presenter(s): Alexander Lygo − Physics, Chemistry
Faculty Mentor(s): David Johnson,
Poster 22
Research Area: Natural/Physical Science
Funding: Vice President for Research and Innovation (VPRI) Undergraduate Fellowship, Presidential Undergraduate Research Scholars program
As potentially applicable in high-performance electronics and quantum computers, topological insulators and heterostructures containing them have recently garnered significant interest by materials scientists. Despite their imagined utility, these compounds have proven difficult to synthesize. In a recent study of a series of compounds, [BiSe1+δ]m[TiSe2] m with m = 1, 2, 3, it was observed that, for the m = 3 compound, the topological insulator Bi2Se3 formed upon deposition and was present at all annealing temperatures. To test if Bi2Se3 could be incorporated into a heterostructure, a series of (Bi- Se)3-TiSe2 precursors with varying Bi-Se ratios and layer thicknesses were prepared and annealed at various temperatures for 30 minutes. A combination of specular and in-plane diffraction indicated that select precursors formed a highly crystalline and crystallographically aligned compound containing BiSe, Bi2Se3, and TiSe2 and high-resolution electron microscopy revealed the stacking sequence of the constituents. X-ray fluorescence measurements reveal that the compound formed readily over a range of Bi-Se ratios. Electron transport measurements revealed metallic behavior and surprisingly high carrier mobility, compared to BiSe1+δ TiSe2. These results provide a synthetic route for preparing a high quality Bi2Se3 containing heterostructure with unexpected properties and with further research, a material with properties applicable to electronics or quantum computers may be discovered.