Restaurants Service and Customers Care

Presenter(s): Komron Rasulov

Faculty Mentor(s): Cybele Higgins & Casey Reid

Oral Session 3 MI

The culinary community — a community in which people learn and get cooking skills — has problems between restaurant service and customers. In sales, commerce, and economics, a customer, also known as client or purchaser, is a receiver of delicious food, good service, and products that sellers can offer. In the restaurant business, the customer is the most important. Unfortunately, not all customers are happy, patient or satisfied. The presenter researched three of the most common problems which restaurants encounter with customers and proposes solutions for those customers who create these problems for restaurants in order to create a better customer-led experience. This informative presentation will help inform customers to recognize and change their often unpleasant behaviours in public places. Also, the recommendations presented will help the audience to be “woke” in welcoming behaviours, which every customer should exhibit in public places.

Is Badminton a sport for Americans?

Presenter(s): Hung Nguyen

Faculty Mentor(s): Casey Reid & Cybele Higgins

Oral Session 3 CQ

This term, I am researching the badminton community in the United States to determine why this sport is less popular in the United States than in other contexts. To better understand this issue, I have conducted archival research into popular magazines and newspapers about the role of badminton in U.S. culture. For primary research, I have interviewed a sports professor who teaches badminton and conducted participant observation in a badminton class. Preliminary research suggests motivational and financial issues contribute to badminton’s lack of popularity. The implications of this research for badminton players in the United States will be discussed.

New ESL Academic Challenges in Eugene Oregon

Presenter(s): Onsarigo Matara

Faculty Mentor(s): Casey Reid & Cyebel Highins

Oral Session 3 CQ

English as a Second Language (ESL) students new to the Eugene, Oregon area who are studying at a two-year community college face intercultural and personal challenges. To find out more about the specific needs of this mix of students from over 20 countries, I conducted qualitative primary and secondary research through interviews, participant observation with students, and library research. Preliminary research suggests that even with the mentor and advisor support from the students’ program, students still face significant challenges overcoming culture shock and connecting with native English speakers from the campus community. Recommendations for how to improve the students’ integration into the campus and local community will be discussed. Findings will be useful to ESL academic programs advisors, instructors and students to give instructors and learners a voice in the development of successful language use and learning strategies.

Expensive sneakers

Presenter(s): Min Kim

Faculty Mentor(s): Cybele Higgins

Oral Session 3 MI

Have you ever heard about sneakers costing more than $2,000? Do you know that many people are enthusiastic about limited edition sneakers and clothes? Nowadays, many people know about the sneaker culture, and many people pay attention to clothes related to street culture. Despite astronomical prices, people still spend money to buy these products. The question is, “Why?” In social media such as Facebook and Instagram, accounts that promote information about sneakers can be found as well as people selling or buying sneakers. This presentation delves into the expensive sneaker community. Primary research from interviews with customers and participant observation as well as secondary research using credible sources show people’s statistical reactions to this topic and investigate its origins and troublesome issues that have developed within this community. The presenter found that the most significant reason to explain why people spend such large amounts of money on sneakers is that people want to show their wealth by wearing expensive clothes. However, the research uncovered the fact that such purchases lead to excessive consumption — frequently over people’s financial means. In addition, when people buy expensive sneakers, they are likely to unwittingly buy fake products. This presentation includes recommendations for people who want to buy expensive sneakers and clothes, addressing the risks and describing how to make such purchases carefully and wisely in the sneaker and clothing market.

Keeping the Titans on Track (Women Basketball Players of Lane Community College)

Presenter(s): Sara Baptista

Faculty Mentor(s): Cybele Higgins & Casey Reid

Oral Session 3 MI

The importance of attention to nutrition in handling pressures safely is critical for high performance in sports. Achieving great performance is what any athlete wants; however, what is necessary is to understand their weaknesses. Based on interviews with a female basketball athlete, a coach, and an athletic trainer, combined with online research and two surveys, the presenter identified three key problems for female basketball athletes: injury, pressure, and lack of audience. In this presentation, the implications of these problems for student-athletes and recommendations for addressing these issues are discussed.

Autism and Autistic people

Presenter(s): Najla Almammari 

Faculty Mentor(s): Casey Reid & Cybele Higgins

Oral Session 3 CQ

Autism is a disorder that is usually observed on the child at an early age, affecting its development and its various developmental aspects. Its development is abnormal, it shows an imbalance in its social interaction, and it is characterized by repetition of certain behavioral patterns and weak verbal and nonverbal communication with others. The autism spectrum disorder is divided according to severity of the symptoms to severe, moderate and mild, and its developmental disability. Many scientists believe that autism disorder has no treatment but its symptoms improve greatly, especially in moderate and light conditions with behavioral intervention programs and behavior modification programs that are characterized by not only does it reduce or stop unwanted behavior but it is used in teaching the autistic child a lot of behavioral skills. One of the most important treatments for autistic patients is the participation of the family in cooperation with the center in all stages of the intervention (diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation). The more the family cooperates with the educational therapeutic team to implement the therapeutic and educational plans, the better the results will be.

Employees at Amazon

Presenter(s): Bayan Almakay

Faculty Mentor(s): Cybele Higgins

Oral Session 3 MI

Employees at Amazon have benefits but also face issues with being overworked. These problems can affect their health. This employment situation needs to be fixed in order to have a better future because the employees are core of the company. The presenter conducted qualitative research about the work conditions of Amazon employees. She used secondary research about the known problems Amazon workers have experienced at multiple facilities as well as primary research through contextualized interviews and participant observation with individuals who have worked for companies with a relationship with Amazon. Preliminary research suggests the pace of work, amount of work, and lack of concern for employees results in low morale and high employee turnover. The results of this research have implications not only for people who currently work for or are considering working for Amazon but also for the working conditions of the growing contingent and gig economy workers.