The Sum of My Parts: A Genetic Inquiry with 23andMe

Presenter(s): Seth Temple − Mathematics

Faculty Mentor(s): Amy Connolly

Oral Session 2CS

Research Area: Natural/Physical Science

Direct-to-consumer genetic tests provide an accessible way for individuals to learn about their genome. This creative project is an outlet for me to talk about personal genomics and what I learned from taking 23andMe’s genetic test. I write to a hypothetical child, explaining how genes affect biological processes and analyzing the results of my genetic tests. Specifically, I investigate male-pattern baldness, a gene encoding for fast-twitch muscle fibers, hereditary fructose intolerance, a genetic risk factor for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease, and ancestry reports. I reflect on how I respond emotionally to these results and on how these genes impact my life. This analysis draws on 23andMe’s reports and the current scientific literature. Controversial topics such as the epigenetics of homosexuality and genetic discrimination in insurance are discussed as well.