McKenzie River Side Channel Restoration: The Enhancement of Salmon Spawning Habitat and Riparian Ecosystems

Presenter: Thomas Van Hevelingen and Ben Miller

Mentor: Peg Boulay

PM Session Oral Presentation

Panel Name: A3 Trends in Restoration

Location: Metolius Room

Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm

The 2012 Environmental Leadership Program (ELP) is divided into six teams. The Stream Stewardship Team has devoted our efforts to the restoration and enhancement of McKenzie River side-channel ecosystems. In recent years, declining salmon populations have peaked both political and social interests in the Pacific Northwest. Our restoration efforts have been focused on the rejuvenation of Coho salmon spawning grounds and surrounding habitats in the McKenzie River side channels. Habitat enhancement methods includ- ed the placement of large woody debris, propagation of native plant species, and removal of invasive vegetation. We have monitored previous ELP management in order to assess the effectiveness of riparian restoration at this site. Our results indicate a significant de- crease in invasive vegetation and a high survival rate of planted native species. Furthermore, in-stream restoration efforts have proven successful in creating pools and sediment gradients beneficial to salmon spawning habitat. Management of the McKenzie side channel site has proven largely successful and could potentially be adapted to other locations in future restoration projects.

Stomata Density of Orchids and Cloud Forest Humidity in Monteverde, Costa Rica

Presenter: Sierra Predovich

Mentor: Peg Boulay

PM Session Oral Presentation

Panel Name: A3 Trends in Restoration

Location: Metolius Room

Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm

This experiment explored stomata densities of the epiphytic Pleurothallis aristata and Maxillaria sp. orchids under experimental conditions of dry and humid environments. Pleurothallis aristata is in the sub-tribe Pleurothallidinae and lacks pseudobulbs, while Maxillaria sp. has pseudobulbs. The purpose of the experiment was to test if there was a difference in stomata densities between the two species, and if there was a difference in mean percent stomata open in humid and dry environments. Stomata impressions were taken from the leaves of twenty individuals of each species using clear nail polish peels that were examined under a compound microscope. The results show that there is a significant difference in stomata density between the Pleurothallis aristata and the Maxillaria sp. (Rank Sum Test, t=55, n1=10, n2=10, p<0.05). The results also show that both species had a higher percentage of open stomata in humid environments than in dry environments (Wilcoxon sign rank test). An explanation for these results is that Maxillaria sp. has a pseudobulb for water storage, has a larger leaf surface area, and therefore has higher stomata density. Both species would also close their stomata in drier conditions in order to reduce water loss and desiccation. This research is significant because it relates to problems such as climate change and shifting of biomes, as some species may be more likely to succeed in periods of prolonged drought or less humidity.

Increasing Native Pollinator Services through Research, Restoration, and Education

Presenters: Lauren Ward, Chelsea Johnson and Aaron Poplack

Mentor: Raj Vable

PM Session Oral Presentation

Panel Name: A3 Trends in Restoration

Location: Metolius Room

Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm

As the global demand for food increases, so does global food production. Approximately thirty percent of human food crops need to be pollinated by insects, but these insects must be diverse in species in order for global pollination to be effective and efficient. Unfortunately, pollinator diversity is on the decline due to habitat loss and fragmentation, pollution, pesticides, invasive species, and climate change around the globe. This decline in abundance and diversity of native pollinators has brought awareness to the fact that there is a great need for more native pollinator habitat. The Sustainable Farms team, in conjunction with the Environmental Leader- ship Program (ELP), creates a conservation plan that includes an educational pollinator garden and a pollinator hedgerow for our partners at the Berggren Demonstration Farm. The Sustainable Farms team provides recommendations for the farm; identifying plants, shrubs, and habitats that encourage native pollinators to forage and nest in the area. In addition, the Sustainable Farms Team conducts research at local blueberry farms; analyzing the pollination services that native bumblebees provide for blueberry bushes. Research done at the Berggren Demonstration farm, as well as the local blueberry farms, provides information about native pollina- tor behavior, as well as how to increase pollination services in a specific area.