Exploring the effect of bacterial signaling pathways on zebrafish neuro-immune development
Presenter: Dana Zaidan – Neuroscience Faculty Mentor(s): Joseph Bruckner, Judith Eisen Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation The gut microbiota has been linked to human health and development. We found that the gut microbiota is required for normal zebrafish social...
Determining How S100A9 Activates TLR4 Using Evolutionary and Biochemical Approach
Presenter: Jiayi Yin – Biochemistry Faculty Mentor(s): Mike Harms, Sophia Phillips Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation The immune system activates inflammation in response to both foreign pathogens and internal damage. Dysregulated inflammation can lead to many...
Wearable Microfluidic Colorimetric Sweat Sensors for Real-Time Personalized Hydration Monitoring
Presenter: Albert Yim – Neuroscience Faculty Mentor(s): Jonathan Reeder Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Continuous, real-time sweat analysis is an underdeveloped field with promising applications ranging from aiding clinical health care to tracking athletic...
Expression of FGF Signaling Genes during Threespine Stickleback Development
Presenter: Micah Woods – Environmental Science Co-Presenter(s): Vithika Goyal Faculty Mentor(s): Hope Healey, William Cresko Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation The fibroblast growth factor (fgf) signaling pathway is essential to vertebrate craniofacial...
The relationship between prison work and education programs and employment post incarceration
Presenter: Max Wilson – Family and Human Services Co-Presenter(s): Hannah Volker Faculty Mentor(s): Miriam Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Study Purpose: Individuals who were formerly incarcerated have a more difficult time gaining employment than those who...
Methane Emissions in Hydropower Reservoirs
Presenter: Ashia Wilson – Environmental Studies Faculty Mentor(s): Alai Reyes Session: (Virtual) Poster Presentation The Klamath Hydroelectric Project (FERC No.2082) does not track or manage their methane production and emissions related to their hydropower projects ....
The Role of Ribosome-Associated Protein Quality Control in a Prion-Based Epigenetic State
Presenter: Phaedra Whitty – Biochemistry Faculty Mentor(s): David Garcia Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation A prion that has been discovered in yeast, [BIG+], allows cells to adopt a ‘live fast, die young’ strategy, accelerating growth rate at the cost of a...
Exploring the Effect of Social Media Popularity Metrics on Curiosity
Presenter: Erica Waldron – Psychology, Sociology Faculty Mentor(s): Dare Baldwin Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Social media inundates us with information about popularity; for example, social media posts are accompanied by a number of likes and comments....
Geometric and Thermal Constraints on the Timing of Alaskan Tidewater Glacier Retreat
Presenter: Lucy Waghorn – Earth Sciences Faculty Mentor(s): Dave Sutherland, Alex Hager Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Glaciers around the world are retreating at increasing rates, prompting concerns over sea level rise and the future of the cryosphere. In...
Utilizing real time strain to modulate patient-specific rehabilitation optimizing bone recovery
Presenter: Alyssa Vongphachanh – Human Physiology Co-Presenter(s): Walker Rosenthal Faculty Mentor(s): Kylie Nash Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Severe bone injuries often result in high complication rates and poor functional recovery. Mechanical loading...
Installation and Preliminary Use of Lunt Solar Telescope at Pine Mountain Observatory
Presenter: Nico Tuton-Filson – Physics Co-Presenter(s): Jackson Robinson Faculty Mentor(s): Scott Fisher Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Pine Mountain Observatory (PMO) has been operated by the University of Oregon for many years, recently expanding with new...
Effects of Rangeland Compost Amendments on Nematode Abundance
Presenter: Maya Treder – General Science Faculty Mentor(s): Ashley Shaw, Lauren Hallett Session: (In-Person) Oral Panel—Fuel, Fire, Grass and Compost, Poster Presentation California rangelands are often over-grazed, nutrient-depleted, and subject to variable rainfall....
Molecular Dissection of the SHIP1 Phosphatase
Presenter: Pilar Tosio – Psychology Faculty Mentor(s): Grace Waddell Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation The 145 kDa lipid phosphatase SHIP1 is a critical component in immune cell signaling pathways and allows hematopoietic cells to undergo chemotaxis. Although...
Exploring the Role of the Arp2 D-Loop in Activation of Arp2/3 Complex
Presenter: Maisie Topping – Biochemistry Faculty Mentor(s): Brad Nolen, Heidy Narvaez Ortiz Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Branched networks in the actin cytoskeleton are critical for a variety of cellular processes including endocytosis. New branched actin...
Developing an In Vivo Assay for Quantitative Analysis of Arp2/3 Complex Inhibitors
Presenter: Maisie Topping – Biochemistry Faculty Mentor(s): Brad Nolen, Heidy Narvaez Ortiz Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Branched networks in the actin cytoskeleton are critical for a variety of cellular processes such as motility and endocytosis. New...
Visualizations of the IP Address Space with Hilbert Curves to Expose Multifractal Patterns
Presenter: Eugene Tan – Computer and Information Science Faculty Mentor(s): Reza Rejaie, Chris Misa Session: (Virtual) Poster Presentation A critical challenge in understanding the traffic flowing through modern computer networks is the visualization of traffic...
The Role of Verbalization in Hierarchical Control
Presenter: Emily Stutz – Psychology Faculty Mentor(s): Melissa Moss, Ulrich Mayr Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Performing complex tasks usually requires the cognitive system to handle rules at multiple levels of abstraction, where lower-level rules depend...
Investigating sexual dimorphic P-granule structures during germ cell development in C. elegans
Presenter: Madison Studer – Neuroscience Faculty Mentor(s): Acadia DiNardo, Diana Libuda Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Proper egg and sperm development is crucial for the faithful passage of the genome from one generation to the next. To prevent infertility...
Regulation of the Kynurenine Pathway in Neurospora crassa
Presenter: Haley Speed – Biology Faculty Mentor(s): Eric Selker Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation The kynurenine pathway is a metabolic pathway that degrades tryptophan into NAD+ and several other essential biomolecules. In humans, the kynurenine pathway is...
Utilizing Drosophila to investigate novel regulatory pathways for the Hox gene Sex Combs Reduced
Presenter: Alanna Sowles – Neuroscience Faculty Mentor(s): Kristen Lee, Chris Doe Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Across species, Hox genes are necessary for an organism’s anatomical development, including the nervous system. Interestingly, these proteins...
The Relationship Between Students’ Approach to Learning and Future Thinking in a Science Class
Presenter: Madeleine Smith – Neuroscience, Psychology, and Educational Foundations Faculty Mentor(s): Jenefer Husman, Sara Hodges Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Supporting student motivation in post-secondary introductory science courses is an important step...
Refining cloud exclusion methods in tropical montane forest change detection with Landsat timeseries
Presenter: Sophia Shuler – Geography, Spatial Data Science and Technology Faculty Mentor(s): Lucas Silva Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Satellite based remote sensing is one of the most accessible methods for implementing large-scale terrestrial change...
Optical Based Sensing of Shear Strain using Reflective Color Patterns
Presenter: Maryam Shuaib – Human Physiology Faculty Mentor(s): Mike McGeehan, Keat Ghee Ong Session: (In-Person) Oral Panel—Stimuli and Response, Poster Presentation There is an increasing need to measure shear force in biomedical applications. Many shear force...
Signal Crayfish Behavior, Health, & Habitat in the Tryon Creek Watershed
Presenter: Kyla Schmitt – Economics, Environmental Studies Faculty Mentor(s): Alexis Barton, Reyn Yoshioka Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation In Portland, Oregon, signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) earn the title of “keystone species” by consuming...
An investigation of novel left-right patterning genes in zebrafish
Presenter: Maisey Schering – Biochemistry, Biology Faculty Mentor(s): Katie Fisher, Daniel Grimes Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Breaking of left-right (L-R) symmetry is a fundamental part of animal development. To facilitate this, cell to cell communication...
Measuring soil respiration in response to enhanced silicate weathering and mycorrhizal associations
Presenter: Emily Scherer – Biology Faculty Mentor(s): Hilary Rose Dawson, Lucas Silva Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Enhanced silicate weathering (ESW) is emerging as a top contender to reduce atmospheric carbon and mitigate climate change by accelerating...
The Relationship Among Parental Stress, Child Well-Being, and Routines During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Presenter: Ciera Sanders – Psychology Faculty Mentor(s): Sihong Liu Session: (Virtual) Oral Panel—Health and Social Science, Poster Presentation Children are the beacons that will carry their knowledge, ideas, and voices into the future. It is crucial we ensure...
Differences in the Morphology and Reproduction of Boltenia villosa Across a Latitudinal Gradient
Presenter: Carmen Sanchez-Reddick – Marine Biology Faculty Mentor(s): Craig Young, Caitlin Plowman Session: (Virtual) Poster Presentation While the larval and early juvenile stages of Boltenia villosa are well documented in the literature, little is known about the...
Coursed-Grained Approach for the Protein Dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Variants
Presenter: Ruben Sanchez – Biochemistry, Biology Faculty Mentor(s): Marina Guenza Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) utilizes a spike protein to recognize the receptor protein Angiotensin-converting...
Utilizing real time strain to modulate patient-specific rehabilitation optimizing bone recovery
Presenter(s): Walker Rosenthal – Human Physiology Co-Presenter(s): Alyssa Vongphachanh Faculty Mentor(s): Kylie Nash Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Severe bone injuries often result in high complication rates and poor functional recovery. Mechanical loading...
Investigation of Individual Characteristics that Influence Parent Emotion Regulation in PCIT
Presenter: Sarah Romack – Psychology Faculty Mentor(s): Elizabeth Skowron Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Child maltreatment is a substantial public health issue that creates emotional and psychological impacts on victims and is related to emotion regulation...
Unremembered: The Misattributions of Clara Peeters and Judith Leyster
Presenter: Morning Glory Ritchie – Art History Faculty Mentor(s): Maile Hutterer Session: (In-Person) Oral Panel—Herstory Rediscovered, Poster Presentation Clara Peeters and Judith Leyster were still-life painters prominent during the 17th-century. These still-life...
Oxytocin: A Pathway for the Intergenerational Impacts of Early Trauma
Presenter: Giovanni Ricci – Psychology Faculty Mentor(s): Jennifer Ablow Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Oxytocin (OT) is a peptide hormone and neuropeptide that is produced by the hypothalamus and released by the pituitary gland. Research has shown OT is...
The Effect of College Attendance on Personality Development Trajectories
Presenter: Sage Rezner – Psychology Faculty Mentor(s): Sara Weston Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Personality traits develop throughout adolescence into emerging adulthood; however, it is unclear how college attendance affects the trajectory of development....
Mapping Sequence-Function Landscapes in the Dihydrofolate Reductase Family Coauthors: Calin Plesa, Samuel Hint
Presenter: Carmen Resnick – Biochemistry Faculty Mentor(s): Calin Plesa Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is an essential enzyme in the folic acid synthesis pathway and has been the subject of intense study in the past few...
Gender differences in externalizing and internalizing behaviors for children of incarcerated parents
Presenter: Julia Rehmann – Family and Human Services, Psychology Faculty Mentor(s): Abbie Sanders, Jean Kjellstrand Session: (Virtual) Poster Presentation Children with an incarcerated parent are three to four times as likely to engage in delinquent behavior and two...
Alkaline phosphatase-activated hydrogen sulfide donors for bone regeneration
Presenter: Mia Ramos – Biochemistry Faculty Mentor(s): Annie Gilbert, Mike Pluth Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a small gaseous signaling molecule that can provide a variety of important physiological effects. For example, H2S can...
Investigating Greywater Filtration Capabilities of Pumice and Scoria from the Pacific Northwest
Presenter: Margery Price – Earth Sciences Faculty Mentor(s): Thomas Giachetti Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Graywater (wastewater produced by bathing, washing, and other domestic water uses) contains particles that can be removed by filtration. With...
Skeletal Muscle Compliance and Composition in Young Men and Women
Presenter: Ayooluwa Popoola – Human Physiology Faculty Mentor(s): Austin Ricci, Damien Callahan Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Skeletal muscle is a complex tissue, comprised at the whole tissue level of contractile structures, adipose and connective tissue....
Quantifying soil respiration response to planted conifer saplings and associated mycorrhizae
Presenter: Julia Odenthal – Environmental Studies Faculty Mentor(s): Lucas Silva Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Forest soils present a crucial opportunity for carbon sequestration to combat rising atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. To better...
Effect of Mild Hypohydration on Renal Hemodynamics during Exercise Pressor Reflex Activation
Presenter: Cameron O’Connell – Human Physiology Faculty Mentor(s): Chris Chapman Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Sweating during passive heat stress can induce a state of low body water known as hypohydration. Mild hypohydration combined with elevated core...
Adoptee Formations of Kinship: Queer Diasporic Traditions in Chinese America
Presenter: Alayna Neher – Ethnic Studies, Psychology Faculty Mentor(s): Sharon Luk Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Chinese American adoptees are part of a tradition of non-normative kinship and exist in relationships that transcend racial, gendered, and...
The Role of Microbiota in the Development of Insulin-Producing Cells in Drosophila melanogaster
Presenter: Nicole Mullen – Neuroscience Faculty Mentor(s): Karen Guillemin, Steph VanBeuge Session: (Virtual) Poster Presentation Resident gut bacteria have the capacity to influence aspects of animal metabolism. Previous research in the Guillemin lab showed that in...
The Impact of Hyaluronic Acid Molecular Weight on Hydrogel Properties for Bone Regeneration
Presenter: Esther Aurelie Mozipo – Biochemistry Faculty Mentor(s): Veronica Spaulding, Marian Hettiaratchi Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Large bone defects have difficulty healing without intervention, leading to nonunion fractures.1 Hydrogels are a...
Breathing based meditation to decrease stress and improve symptoms in persons with COPD
Presenter: Autumn Mosley – Communication Disorders and Sciences Faculty Mentor(s): Dr. Samantha Shune Session: (Virtual) Oral Panel—Health and Social Science, Poster Presentation Individuals with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), struggle with dyspnea and...
Fatal Flight: A Survey of Bird Window Collisions at Lane Community College
Presenter: Shandi Morris Co-Presenter(s): Andrea Vandermolen Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Window collisions kill a high number of birds each year in the United States, but different architectural and landscape characteristics can make certain buildings...
Detaining Democracy: Totalitarian Implications of United States Immigrant Detention Centers
Presenter: Lauren Monkewicz – Sociology Faculty Mentor(s): Matthew Norton Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation This study examines healthcare violations in ICE detention centers through the critical sociological lens of statemaking. It aims to answer: do the...
Spatial Location and Memory Integration
Presenter: Dahlia Mohd Razif – Business Administration, Human Physiology, Neuroscience, Psychology Faculty Mentor(s): Lea Frank, Dasa Zeithamova Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Memory is flexible and can be influenced by other items or events that we have...
From Pushkin to Pravda: Russia and the Caucasus Through Popular Media
Presenter: Maryam Moghaddami – Cinema Studies Faculty Mentor(s): Susanna Lim Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation On October 4, 2021, somewhere between Izmailovskaya station and Pervomayskaya station, a fight occurred and resulted in the severe beating and...
Content Overload And Its Effects On Learning
Presenter: Erika Moe – Human Physiology Faculty Mentor(s): Sarah DuBrow, Lindsay Rait Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation The asynchronous nature of remote classes brought by COVID-19 provides students greater control over their daily studies and has proven to be...
Electromyography Markers of Global Motor Inhibition While Stopping
Presenter: Isaiah Mills – Human Physiology Faculty Mentor(s): Ian Greenhouse, Mitchell Fisher Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Stopping individual parts of complex movement plans is a critical part of controlling our bodies. While humans can coordinate...
The mechanics of pressurized thin shells with varying geometries.
Presenter: Alena Mcvicker – Physics Faculty Mentor(s): Jayson Paulose, Saul Sun Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation The mechanics of thin elastic shells underpins the structural behavior of ping pong balls, bacterial cell walls, and the outer protein capsules of...
Creating an Educational Graphic Novel about Psychedelics
Presenter: Audra McNamee – Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty Mentor(s): Luca Mazzucato Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Scientific communication through the use of comics is an emerging trend across scientific disciplines. Comics are a promising medium...
The Lack of Change Throughout Incan Religion Before and After Spanish Conquest
Presenter: Zoë McKeehan – History Faculty Mentor(s): Dr. Brendan O’Kelly Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation The impact of colonialism was felt across all of South America; an intriguing case study is the Spanish conquest of the Incan people. Since Incan religion...
Caregiving and Depression: Moderating Effects of Social Cohesion among SAGE Individuals
Presenter: Zag McDowall – Psychology Faculty Mentor(s): Alicia DeLouize, Josh Snodgrass Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Caregiving for children, people with disabilities, and the elderly is essential for society as a whole. These responsibilities...
Maternal opioids decrease neonatal opioid receptor expression in brain regions controlling breathing
Presenter: Emilee McDonald – Biology Faculty Mentor(s): Adrianne Huxtable, Robyn Naidoo Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation An understudied population in the opioid crisis are infants exposed to maternal opioids experiencing breathing deficits. Our animal model...
Social Connection and Fiction: The Possible Benefit of “Interacting” with Fictional Characters
Presenter: Brinna Mawhinney – Psychology Faculty Mentor(s): Sara D. Hodges, Eliott Doyle Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation This study addresses one role that fiction may play in people’s lives—specifically, providing social “interaction.” Participants (265...
Comparison of External Load Estimation from Wearable Sensors during a Free Run
Presenter: Anna Mare − Human Physiology Faculty Mentor(s): Seth Donahue, Rachel Robinson Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Cumulative training load has been defined as the product of external loading and internal physiological loading experienced by an...
Simulating Dead-End State Distributions for Microbial Metabolism
Presenter: Nathan Malamud − Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty Mentor(s): Stilianos Louca Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation In this project, I simulate the influence of microbial metabolism on ocean geochemistry using the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela as a...
Code-Switching: Students in Formal v.s Informal Settings
Presenter: Ashling Mahony − Psychology Co-Presenter(s): Sofia Martin, Taylor Bollenbaugh, Simone Baeza Faculty Mentor(s): Melissa Baese-Berk Session: (Virtual) Poster Presentation The way we communicate is always changing. It even changes when we speak to different...
South Umpqua Watershed Study: Impacts to Salmon
Presenter: Sprout Mahoney − Environmental Science Faculty Mentor(s): Colin Phifer Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Salmon are an anadromous, keystone species that have a massive impact on the regions they inhabit, from freshwater stream ecosystems to ocean...
Do waste management firms in Oregon disproportionately affect low-income minorities?
Presenter: David Lopez-Aparicio − Political Science Session: (In-Person) Oral Panel—Diversity and Analysis, Poster Presentation History has shown us that low-income minorities often bear the brunt end of the stick for health, income-mobility, and education. Though in...
Structure-Property Relationship of Halogen bonding Supramolecular Receptors
Presenter: Faith Longnight − Chemistry, Sociology Co-Presenter(s): Scout Trom Faculty Mentor(s): Hannah Bates, Thaís de Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Anion receptors hold an important place within the field of supramolecular chemistry due to the vast...
The effects of physical violence on mental health in Tunisian women
Presenter: Makenzie Litty − Data Science, Psychology Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Physical violence is a public health problem because it not only affects the physical wellbeing of victims short-term, but also negatively affects their mental health...
Stable Isotope Analysis of Fossil Shark Teeth from the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway
Presenter: Rachel Lisle − Earth Sciences Faculty Mentor(s): Edward Davis, Kellum Tate-Jones Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation The Western Interior Seaway was a Late Cretaceous (100.5-66 mya) inland sea that, at it’s largest, stretched north to south, from the...
Decreasing Hunchback and Bicoid Levels in Pair1 Neurons Alters the Pair1 Circuit in Drosophila
Presenter: Amanda Linskens – Biochemistry Faculty Mentor(s): Kristen Lee, Chris Doe Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Transcription factors (TFs) are essential for cell specification across multiple species, including humans. During Drosophila melanogaster...
Development of a Nanohoop Rotaxane for Sensing Reactive Oxygen Species
Presenter: Phyllis Liao – Chemistry Faculty Mentor(s): Claire Otteson Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Observing biological processes such as disease progression and gene expression require elaborate probes and sensors. In biomedical research, there is...
The Effects of daf-2/IGFR on Healthspan in C. elegans Males
Presenter: Hannah Lewack – Biology Faculty Mentor(s): Rose Al-Saadi Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Neurodegenerative diseases affect 50 million Americans each year and Alzheimer’s alone affects about 5 million. Alzheimer’s places a substantial economic...
Cultural Considerations of the Filming Interactions to Nurture Development Intervention
Presenter: Alvin Lengkong – Psychology Faculty Mentor(s): Andrea Imhof Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation The relationship between exposure to adverse childhood experiences and adult health risk has been well established (Felitti et al., 1998)....
Spectroscopic Study of Squaraine Molecule Aggregate Formation for use in Solar Cells
Presenter: Laura Leibfried – Chemistry, Physics Faculty Mentor(s): Cathy Wong Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Using organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices to harvest solar energy is uniquely enticing as they allow for mass manufacture, greater...
Ethnic Variations in Asian and Asian American Men’s Disordered Eating Symptoms
Presenter: Kevin Le – Human Physiology Faculty Mentor(s): Claire Guidinger, Nichole Kelly Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Asian and Asian American men report high rates of disordered eating symptoms, such as body dissatisfaction. Some have hypothesized...
Lagomorph Paleoecology of the Middle Cenozoic in Eastern Asia
Presenter: Amelia Lawson – Environmental Science Faculty Mentor(s): Amanda Peng, Samantha Hopkins Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Lagomorphs are small plant eating mammals that are split into two extant families: the Ochotonidae which is comprised of...
Excluding numeric side-effect information produces lower vaccine intentions
Presenter: Eliza Lawrence – Earth Sciences Faculty Mentor(s): Ellen Peters, Brittany Shoots-Reinhard Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Encouraging vaccine uptake is important to reducing the impact of infectious disease. However, negative attitudes and...
Increasing the Antiaromaticity of s-Indacene by Fusion of Naphthofuran
Presenter: Garret Laurie – Chemistry Faculty Mentor(s): Gabrielle Warren Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Scientific literature has seen a dramatic increase in interesting antiaromatic structures which function as a key component within organic...
Selective Advantage of avr-14, avr-15 and glc-1 knockout in C. elegans in High Ivermectin Conditions
Presenter: Ellie Laufer – Chemistry Faculty Mentor(s): Zach Stevenson, Patrick Phillips Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Lineage tracking experimentally enables highly precise measurements of fitness effects among different mutant backgrounds. The...
The Progression of Juvenile Justice Policy in Oregon
Presenter: Semeredin Kundin − Planning, Public Policy and Management, Political Science Session: (In-Person) Oral Panel—Rights of Humans, Poster Presentation The criminal justice system is incredibly vast and carries an intricate process within it. The overall system...
DiversiPhi29—An Orthogonal System for the Continuous Directed Evolution of Genes In Vivo
Presenter: Amanda Kreppel − Biology Faculty Mentor(s): Nora Kearns, Calin Plesa Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Directed evolution is a method for protein engineering which allows scientists to impose novel functions on proteins through the random and...
Investigating Variations in Unemployment Between North and South Spain and Associated Implications
Presenter: Emily Kraschel − Economics Faculty Mentor(s): Glen Waddell, Dennis Galvan Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Unemployment in Southern Spain has long been significantly higher than in Northern Spain, negatively affecting Spain’s national unemployment...
The Policy Implications of the Biology of Trauma
Presenter: Rose Kordahl − Political Science Faculty Mentor(s): Daniel Tichenor Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Modern research has revealed one of the greatest public health crises in the United States: the epidemic of toxic stress in childhood. Physicians...
Reopening wounds: Processing Korean Cultural Trauma in Park Chan-wook’s Revenge Trilogy
Presenter: Emma Koontz − Planning Public Policy and Management Faculty Mentor(s): Ulrick Casimir Session: (Virtual) Oral Panel—Read, Speak and Act, Poster Presentation The democratic reforms of the 1987 June 29 Declaration opened the floodgates for Korean New Wave...
Does plant community diversity change with terrain steepness in southwestern Oregon?
Presenter: Delaney Kleiner − Biology, Environmental Science Faculty Mentor(s): Lucas Silva, Brooke Hunter Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Southwestern Oregon is characterized by complex patterns of plant communities across environmental gradients. Previous...
Evaluating Sources of Zinc Contamination within Eugene-Springfield Waterways
Presenter: Charlotte Klein − Environmental Science, Spatial Data Science and Technology Faculty Mentor(s): Matt Polizzotto Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Stormwater runoff occurs when rainfall encounters impervious surfaces such as pavement and rooftops,...
Development of new uroflowmetry techniques for pediatric patients
Presenter: Myrriah Jones − Biology Faculty Mentor(s): Molly Jud, Edouard Hay Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Uroflowmetry measures data points like the max and average flow rate, volume, and duration of urination. Pediatric urologists use uroflowmetry to aid...
How Cooler Temperatures Affect Scavenger Visitation and Decomposition of Sows
Presenter: Laila Johansson − Biology Co-Presenter(s): Breanna Johnston Faculty Mentor(s): Richard Glover Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Taphonomy is the study of what happens to an organism’s remains after death, and it can provide information on many...
Diet affects microbiome diversity in Drosophila melanogaster
Presenter: Dante James − Multidisciplinary Science Faculty Mentor(s): Nadia Singh Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Hot sauce adds spice to our life, orange juice gives us a refreshing break in the morning, and probiotics help us digest food. These components...
Experiences and Health of Transgender & Gender Diverse People of Color During the BLM Protests
Presenter: Alexandra Jagielski − Multidisciplinary Science Faculty Mentor(s): Zachary DuBois, Alicia DeLouize Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Transgender and gender diverse people of color (TGD POC) endure high levels of discrimination and violence related to...
The Individual: On Lesbian Lands
Presenter: Elle Hopkins − Sociology Co-Presenter(s): Pippa Simmons Faculty Mentor(s): Judith Raiskin Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation The creation of the lesbian homeland called the OWL farm, or Open Women’s Land, happened during the second wave of feminism, a...
Using Photometric Observations of Messier 52 to Derive Color Magnitude Diagrams With Python Scripts
Presenter: Sara Holeman − Astronomy & Planetary Science Faculty Mentor(s): Scott Fisher Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Here we present results from optical observations of the open cluster M52 (NGC 7654) obtained at Pine Mountain Observatory (PMO) in...
Design for Migraine Management: Product Proposal to Mitigate Social-Emotional Burdens of Migraine
Presenter: Charlie Holden − Product Design Faculty Mentor(s): Kiersten Muenchinger Session: (Virtual) Poster Presentation Migraine is a common and debilitating neurological illness. Effective migraine treatment often relies on pharmaceutical interventions, though this...
Discovery of Affinity Binding Partners for Controlled Protein Delivery
Presenter: Henry Hochstatter − Human Physiology Faculty Mentor(s): Jonathan Dorogin Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Wound healing is orchestrated by a complex sequence of proteins, including granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), which...
Do we perceive when they deceive? Effect of pauses and dialect on the perception of deception
Presenter: Zoë Haupt − Communication Disorders and Sciences Faculty Mentor(s): Melissa Baese-Berk Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation When attempting to detect a lie, numerous social and linguistic factors influence the perception of whether the speaker is...
Intragroup Dominance Hierarchies of Domestic Female Llamas in a Long-Term Herd
Presenter: Skye Grubb − Anthropology Faculty Mentor(s): Larry Ulibarri, Frances White Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation This study examines the presence of a dominance hierarchy among females of an established domestic llama herd. To examine this, a group of...
The Role of Synaptic Adhesion Molecules in Electrical Synapse Formation in Zebrafish
Presenter: Margaret Grivette − Neuroscience Faculty Mentor(s): Adam Miller, Jen Michel Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Chemical and electrical synapses work together to shape brain function but little is known about the regulation of electrical synapse...
Gender Representation in 1970s Science Fiction: Joanna Russ and Ursula Le Guin
Presenter: Makenna Greenwalt − Mathematics Co-Presenter(s): Amelia Hartman-Warr Faculty Mentor(s): Judith Raiskin Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Science fiction has long been a medium through which harmful gender stereotypes have thrived. Despite being...
Expression of FGF Signaling Genes during Threespine Stickleback Development
Presenter(s): Vithika Goyal — Marine Biology Co-Presenter(s): Micah Woods Faculty Mentor(s): Hope Healey, William Cresko Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation The fibroblast growth factor (fgf) signaling pathway is essential to vertebrate craniofacial development....
Value Pluralism & Environmental Justice in the Cascades: The Nisqually River Watershed
Presenter(s): Jess Gladis — Environmental Studies Faculty Mentor(s): Mark Carey, Barbara Muraca Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Examining resource conflicts shows the way land values influence stakeholder relationships to culturally significant ecosystems....
Year of the Paper Tiger: The US Military’s Pursuit of Missile Defense and New Cold War with China
Presenter(s): Taylor Ginieczki — Global Studies,Political Science Faculty Mentor(s): Jane Cramer Session: (Virtual) Poster Presentation The last two decades have seen China become one of the biggest perceived threats to US national security. Fingers point to China’s...
Impact of a Single Bout of Blood Flow Restriction Exercise on Muscle Stem Cells
Presenter(s): Jaslena Gill — Human Physiology Co-Presenter(s): Noah Lovgren Faculty Mentor(s): Hans Dreyer Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Blood flow restriction exercise (BFR-Ex) is a form of low-load exercise that restricts extremity blood flow. BFR-Ex has...
Global Biomarker Implementation in the WHO’s World Health Survey Plus
Presenter(s): Madeleine Getz — Anthropology Co-Presenter(s): Micah Warner-Carey, Rosa Taylor Faculty Mentor(s): Josh Snodgrass, Alicia DeLouize Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation The Global Health Biomarker Laboratory (GHBL) is collaborating with the World...
Strained Alkyne-Cycloparaphenylenes: a New Class of Clickable Fluorophores
Presenter(s): Anna Garrison — Biochemistry Faculty Mentor(s): Julia Fehr Session: (Virtual) Poster Presentation Looking inside the human body is a critical tool researchers and physicians need in order to explore the human species, navigate and discover new diseases,...
A Review of the Camels From the Juntura Formation of Eastern Oregon
Presenter(s): Eleanor Froehlich — Earth Sciences Faculty Mentor(s): Samantha Hopkins Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation The Juntura Formation, collected by Dr. J. Arnold Shotwell in the 1950’s and described in 1963, is found in a set of localities in Eastern...
Effect of Anthropogenic Noise on Eugene Duck Behaviors and Calls
Presenter(s): Piet Fretz — Philosophy Co-Presenter(s): Lawren Paris, Kyle Hoekstra Faculty Mentor(s): Lisa Munger Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation This study investigated how duck species living in urban spaces have adapted their calls to account for human...
Exploring Grasshopper Feeding Preferences Due on C:N Ratios Across Varying Soil Nutrient Treatments
Presenter(s): Sofi Forsman — Environmental Studies, Marine Biology Faculty Mentor(s): Lauren Hallett, Gabriella Altmire Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Montane grassland systems are a rare yet highly important ecotype in the Cascade Range. Anthropogenic...
Lesbian Periodicals: Radical Politics and Community Building
Presenter(s): Maya Feldman-Dragich — Political Science Co-Presenter(s): Kye Martin, Emily Kavanagh Faculty Mentor(s): Judith Raiskin Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Beginning in the 1970s second wave feminism, largely facilitated by lesbian activists, swept...
The Role of the Primary Visual Cortex in Processing Complex Environments
Presenter(s): Yichen Fan — Biology Faculty Mentor(s): Denise Niell Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation To survive, animals have evolved visual systems fit for extracting relevant information from complex, natural environments. In mammals, visual information flows...
The Bracero Program: Recordando A Estos Guerreros
Presenter(s): Monique Falcon — Sociology Faculty Mentor(s): Julie Weise Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation In 1942, the Bracero Program, a bilateral agreement between Mexico and the United States to bring in Mexican male laborers was created. This program...
How the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Rural Children’s Mental Health and Body Image.
Presenter(s): Juliana Esquivel — Human Physiology Co-Presenter(s): Lauren Michels Faculty Mentor(s): Claire Guidinger, Nichole Kelly Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation The COVID-19 pandemic has had negative effect on children’s mental health, especially as they...
Like mother, like child: Intergenerational transmission of maternal emotion regulation to infants
Presenter(s): Annaliese Elliot — Psychology Faculty Mentor(s): Jennifer Ablow, Jeffrey Measelle Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Emotion dysregulation is a demonstrated precursor to future psychopathology. Infancy is a critical time to develop self regulatory...
Holy Dish! How wet dishes affect CO2 and humidity in a built space
Presenter(s): Ian Dahl — Architecture Co-Presenter(s): Sidney Zabell, Natania Yeung Faculty Mentor(s): Carli Torti Session: (Virtual) Poster Presentation This study evaluated how placing dishes of different dryness levels in a cabinet contributed to increased levels...
Using Information Theory to Understand Neural Representation in the Auditory Cortex
Presenter: Hannah (Qiaochu) Cui — Mathematics Faculty Mentor(s): James Murray, Christian Schmid Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Neurons in the brain face the challenge of representing sensory stimuli in a way that accurately encodes the features of these...
Nanoemulsions at the oil water interface
Presenter: Riley Cowen — Chemistry Faculty Mentor(s): Konnor Jones Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation Oil-water interfaces are present in many household products that you use daily, from cosmetics to detergents to drugs, these products change according to their...
Single molecule polarization sweep spectroscopy
Presenter: Anabel Chang − Biochemistry Faculty Mentor(s): Andrew Marcus, Jack Maurer (In-Person) Poster Presentation Local fluctuations of the sugar-phosphate backbones of DNA (a form of DNA ‘breathing’) play key roles in protein-DNA assembly and enzymatic function....
Accessibility of Reproductive and Maternal Healthcare Among Female Identifying in Tunisia
Presenter: Audrey Chandler − Human Physiology Faculty Mentor(s): Alicia DeLouize, Josh Snodgrass (In-Person) Poster Presentation Due to the sensitivity of the topic, research on abortion rights is minimal. The Tunisian Health Examination Survey worked to incorporate...
How can the University of Oregon make PE & Rec more inclusive to minority students?
Presenter: Taylor Chambers − Political Science Co-Presenter(s): Jules Aviles Faculty Mentor(s): Chantelle Russell (Virtual) Poster Presentation The goal of our research was to evaluate and synthesize actions the University of Oregon could take to make its Student...
Misfolded but not Malicious: Prion Proteins in Budding Yeast
Presenter: Mikala Capage − Biology Faculty Mentor(s): David Garcia (In-Person) Poster Presentation Prion proteins, although frequently associated with neurodegenerative diseases, are not universally harmful to cells. Instead, prions may serve as a beneficial...
How Does Age of 1st Point of Contact Relate to Highest Level of Educational Attainment?
Presenter: Jasmine Burgin − Family and Human Services Co-Presenter(s): Meg Stradley, Alberto Lepe-Romero Faculty Mentor(s): Miriam Clark (In-Person) Poster Presentation Ample evidence suggests that policing in schools creates an environment in which children are...
Promoting Early Child Development: Improving Language Outcomes Through Reciprocal Interaction
Presenter: Alex Bui − Neuroscience Faculty Mentor(s): Andrea Imhof, Philip Fisher (Virtual) Poster Presentation The quality of early parent-child interactions has a powerful influence on early brain development. In light of emerging literature associating responsive...
Thin section analysis to determine magma flow directions in a silicic dike at Summer Coon volcano
Presenter: Madeline Bruce − Earth Sciences Faculty Mentor(s): Gui Aksit, Meredith Townsend (In-Person) Poster Presentation A significant number of people throughout the world live in areas with active volcanism, creating a geologic hazard to contend with....
A Deweyan Approach to Virtual Education
Presenter: Bennett Brown − Philosophy; Planning, Public Policy and Management; Political Science Faculty Mentor(s): Scott Pratt (In-Person) Poster Presentation 20th-century American philosopher John Dewey contributed extensively to the fields of political theory and...
Prolonged mild hypohydration reduces handgrip strength in females
Presenter: Shaun Brazelton − Human Physiology Faculty Mentor(s): Christopher Chapman (In-Person) Poster Presentation An overwhelming majority of studies pertaining to the effects of hypohydration, a state of low body water, on muscular strength has been performed in...
Code-Switching: Students in Formal vs. Informal Settings
Presenter: Taylor Bollenbaugh − Advertising Co-Presenter(s): Simone Baeza, Ashling Mahony, Sofia Martin Faculty Mentor(s): Melissa Baese-Berk (Virtual) Poster Presentation The way we communicate is always changing. It even changes when we speak to different people or...
Functional and Anatomical Properties of Cck Cells in the Medial Habenula
Presenter: Leah Blankenship − Neuroscience Faculty Mentor(s): Dr. Emily Sylwestrak (In-Person) Poster Presentation Previous research has shown that the medial habenula (MHb) is involved in many behaviors, such as stress, depression, addiction, and reward-guided...
Observation of Corneal Guttae by Plasma-FIB Microscope
Presenter: Mayurika Bhaskar − Biochemistry, Biology Faculty Mentor(s): Hiro Uehara (In-Person) Poster Presentation Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy (FECD) is an inherited disease that leads to blindness. FECD is characterized with the thickening of the Descement’s...
Contextualizing a Collection of Rare Cambodian Glass Ornaments Within Contemporaneous Trade Networks
Presenter: Kelby Beyer − Anthropology, Spanish Faculty Mentor(s): Alison Carter (In-Person) Poster Presentation Though archaeological glass ornament research in Iron Age Southeast Asia is a well-established field, the current body of work excludes morphologically and...
In vivo arterial stiffness, but not endothelial function, varies with the mouse estrus cycle
Presenter: Bradley Bedell − Multidisciplinary Science Faculty Mentor(s): Mackenzie Kehmeier MS, Ashley Walker PhD (In-Person) Poster Presentation Historically, females have been omitted from research due to their perceived variability. Hormones fluctuate throughout...
Non-Platinum Group Metal Anodic Catalysts in Anion-Exchange-Membrane Electrolysis
Presenter: Sarah Beaudoin − Chemistry Faculty Mentor(s): Shannon Boettcher, Grace Lindquist (In-Person) Poster Presentation Electrolysis, also known as water splitting, consists of two half-reactions occurring within an electrolytic cell that make possible the...
Pupillary Dilation Response to Changes in Sound Stimuli
Presenter: Temerity Bauer − Biology Faculty Mentor(s): Santiago Jaramillo (In-Person) Oral Panel—Stimuli and Response, Poster Presentation To understand the world around us, the auditory system of our brains discriminates between different sounds to interpret our...
OptiDicer reduces CUG RNA accumulation in corneal endothelial cells affected by Fuchs’ dystrophy
Presenter: Sanjana Basak − Biochemistry Faculty Mentor(s): Julie Weise (In-Person) Poster Presentation Fuchs’ endothelial corneal dystrophy (FECD) is a genetic disease which leads to eye pain, significant loss of vision and corneal lesions called guttae. Late-onset...
How do Healthy Relationships in Prison Correlate to Healthy Relationships Once Released?
Presenter: Cody Bagay − Business Administration Co-Presenter(s): Gabe Goldstein, Alexis Thwaites Faculty Mentor(s): Miriam Clark (In-Person) Poster Presentation Study purpose: Prison culture has shown an increased occurrence of withdrawal by inmates which is causing a...
Code-Switching: Students in Formal vs. Informal Settings
Presenter: Simone Baeza − Business Administration Co-Presenter(s): Sofia Martin, Ashling Mahony, Taylor Bollenbaugh Faculty Mentor(s): Melissa Baese-Berk (Virtual) Poster Presentation The way we communicate is always changing. It even changes when we speak to...
Does the breathing cycle modulate the orientation of our attention?
Presenter: Nayantara Arora − Neuroscience Faculty Mentor(s): Ulrich Mayr, Domink Graetz (In-Person) Poster Presentation At any point in time, individuals either orient themselves to the outside world, or rely on their internal representations (i.e., memories) to guide...
Effects of essential amino acid supplementation on muscle structure before and after eccentric exercise
Presenter: Ryan Angeloni − Biology Faculty Mentor(s): Hans C. Dreyer (In-Person) Poster Presentation We have recently shown in older adults that daily ingestion of essential amino acids (EAAs) for seven consecutive days can increase muscle stem cells (satellite...
Pandemic Investigation of Newly Burgeoning Acquired LGBTQAI+ Labels
Presenter: Elijah Alexander − Psychology Faculty Mentor(s): Sara Weston Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation, Oral Panel—Covering Covid Those with LGBTQ+ identities often live in the presence of “audiences” for whom they feel pressured to perform a...
The recent history of PCUN and the victories of farmworkers in Oregon
Presenter: Odalis Aguilar Aguilar − History, Latin American Studies, Spanish Faculty Mentor(s): Julie Weise (In-Person) Poster Presentation For this project, I was approached by PCUN’s executive director to document the last few years of the history of the...
Perceptions of Risky Sexual Behavior
Presenter: Serena Agterberg − Psychology, Sociology Faculty Mentor(s): Sanjay Srivastava, Bradley Hughes (In-Person) Poster Presentation College is a time when many young adults engage in sexual behavior that may involve physical, psychological, and/or emotional...
Using Personality to Predict Risky Sexual Behavior
Presenter: Serena Agterberg − Psychology, Sociology Faculty Mentor(s): Sanjay Srivastava, Bradley Hughes (In-Person) Oral Panel—Healthy Considerations, Poster Presentation To investigate the relationship between personality traits and risky sexual behavior (RSB) with...
Association between Discrimination and Drive for Muscularity in Asian and Asian American Men
Presenter: Jasmine Acree − Human Physiology Faculty Mentor(s): Dr. Nichole Kelly, Claire Guidinger (In-Person) Poster Presentation Asian/Asian American men endorse amongst the highest rates of body dissatisfaction across racial groups. However, little research has...