The Terminator: The Forgotten Role of Thomas B. Watters in Klamath Termination, 1953-1958
Presenter: Matt Villeneuve Mentor: Glenn May PM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: A5 Perceptions of Cultural Change Location: Oak Room Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm In 1953, the Klamath Indian tribe of Southern Oregon was controversially selected for termination by...
Wael Ghonim: Symbolic Figure vs. Representative Publicity
Presenters: Zeph Schafer, Mark Plumlee and Maia Salomon Mentor: Vera Keller PM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: A5 Perceptions of Cultural Change Location: Oak Room Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm This study emerged from an honors college seminar examining how public...
Violence and Graphic Symbols in the Arab Spring
Presenters: Kathryn Carpenter and Eva Bertoglio Mentor: Vera Keller PM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: A5 Perceptions of Cultural Change Location: Oak Room Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm Our research was based on ideas of the public sphere in the last five hundred...
The Mekong River Commission: Indicators of Successful Regime Strengthening
Presenter: Lauren Boucher Mentor: Ronald Mitchell PM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: A5 Perceptions of Cultural Change Location: Oak Room Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm International environmental regimes seek to create a sense of interdependence and community in...
Quantifying the Self
Presenter: Rachelle DiGregorio Mentor: Deborah Morrison PM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: A4 Identity and Progress Location: Rogue Room Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm “Self knowledge through numbers.” This is the driving philosophy behind the Quantified Self (QS)...
No Man’s Land: The Herstory of Lesbian Intentional Communities as a Manifestation of the Pastoral Dream
Presenter: Phoebe Petersen Mentor: Glenn May PM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: A4 Identity and Progress Location: Rogue Room Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm Although not a well-known part of Oregon’s past, intentional communities, also called communes, have a long...
When Reaching for the Stars is Not Enough: Addressing the Misalignment of Postsecondary Expectations and Preparation of High School Students from Low-Socioeconomic Backgrounds
Presenter: Eryn Block Mentor: Josh Snodgrass PM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: A4 Identity and Progress Location: Rogue Room Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm The vast majority of US high school seniors expect to graduate from college but only a small portion of...
McKenzie River Side Channel Restoration: The Enhancement of Salmon Spawning Habitat and Riparian Ecosystems
Presenter: Thomas Van Hevelingen and Ben Miller Mentor: Peg Boulay PM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: A3 Trends in Restoration Location: Metolius Room Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm The 2012 Environmental Leadership Program (ELP) is divided into six teams. The...
Stomata Density of Orchids and Cloud Forest Humidity in Monteverde, Costa Rica
Presenter: Sierra Predovich Mentor: Peg Boulay PM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: A3 Trends in Restoration Location: Metolius Room Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm This experiment explored stomata densities of the epiphytic Pleurothallis aristata and Maxillaria sp....
Increasing Native Pollinator Services through Research, Restoration, and Education
Presenters: Lauren Ward, Chelsea Johnson and Aaron Poplack Mentor: Raj Vable PM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: A3 Trends in Restoration Location: Metolius Room Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm As the global demand for food increases, so does global food production....
An Introduction to Nominalizations in the Wapishana Language
Presenter: Jessie Erikson Mentor: Jessie Erikson PM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: A2 Lost Voices Location: Maple Room Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm Wapishana is an Arawakan language spoken by approximately 7,000 people in northern Brazil and southern Guayana....
Revolutionary War Ads and the Public Sphere
Presenters: Jordan Pratt and Daniel Shaver Mentor: Vera Keller PM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: A2 Lost Voices Location: Maple Room Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm In the Revolutionary War era, the public sphere was not only represented by the articles written in...
Corporate Liability and Human Rights: A Historical Perspective
Presenter: Megan Gaffney Mentor: Joseph Fracchia PM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: A2 Lost Voices Location: Maple Room Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm Kiobel v Royal Dutch Petroleum is a current United States Supreme Court case in which a group of Nigerian...
The Declining Effectiveness of Environmental Politics since the 1970s
Presenter: Maneesh Arora Mentor: Matthew Dennis PM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: A2 Lost Voices Location: Maple Room Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm Over the last several decades a large percentage of the American public has realized that our world faces...
A 10,500 Year Paleoecological Record of the Interior Rainforest of Eastern British Columbia
Presenter: Ariana White Mentor: Daniel Gavin PM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: A1 Evolutionary Trajectories Location: Alsea Room Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm Although there have been multiple investigations into the coast range and island ecosystems of British...
The Evolution of Rhino Arthritis in the Cenozoic
Presenter: Kelsey Stilson Mentor: Samantha Hopkins PM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: A1 Evolutionary Trajectories Location: Alsea Room Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm Arthritis is one of the most common skeletal pathologies, occurring in one-sixth of humans....
Topographic and Climate Change Differentially Drive Pliocene and Pleistocene Mammalian Beta Diversity of the Great Basin and Great Plains Provinces of North America
Presenter: Amy Atwater Mentor: Edward Davis PM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: A1 Evolutionary Trajectories Location: Alsea Room Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm The Great Basin region of the western United States currently has elevated beta (between-site) diversity...
“Join, or Die”: The Binding of a Nation through the Evolution of a Symbol
Presenters: Mathew Beattie and Grant Aman Mentor: Vera Keller AM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: M5 Messaging and Performance Location: Rogue Room Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm This study of the Pre-Revolutionary War symbol, Join or Die, emerged from a Honors...
Conformation and Performance in Event Horses
Presenter: Brianna McHorse Mentor: Samantha Hopkins AM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: M5 Messaging and Performance Location: Rogue Room Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm For thousands of years, conformation-the external physical shape of the body’s parts-has been...
Brand and Team Sports Video Games: Is the FIFA Video Game an Antecedent to Soccer Team Loyalty
Presenter: Evan Baechler Mentor: Whitney Wagoner AM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: M5 Messaging and Performance Location: Rogue Room Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm Global, brand-growth strategies have been common among the world largest soccer teams for decades....
Online Supplemental Learning
Online Supplemental Learning Presenter: Zachary Taylor Mentor: Carolyn Knox AM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: M4 Transforming Education Location: Metolius Room Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm In this age of information, students and virtually anyone with access...
Real Math: Bringing Proof into the Classroom
Presenter: Zach Chalmers Mentor: Chris Sinclair AM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: M4 Transforming Education Location: Metolius Room Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm The study of mathematics is frequently an institutional requirement for all majors, which can drive...
Signaling for Attention: Mobility and Student Performance in United Way’s Promise Neighborhoods
Presenters: Neil Cronkrite and Ian O’Gorman Mentor: Joe Stone AM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: M4 Transforming Education Location: Metolius Room Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm A fixed effects linear leastsquares statistical regression model was used to explore...
United States Food System: Energy, Waste and Manipulation
Presenter: Tristan Pettigrew Mentor: Gyoung-Ah Lee AM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: M3 The Grip of Money and Food Location: Maple Room Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm What does a future of food security and seed sovereignty look like? Or, more importantly, how...
Occupy Wall Street and the Transformation of the Public Sphere
Presenters: Madeleine Dunkelberg, Aaron Honn and Hailey Chamberlain Mentor: Vera Keller AM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: M3 The Grip of Money and Food Location: Maple Room Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm We examined the formation and manipulation of the public...
Is it Viable to Group Countries with Differing Cultural Values into the Same Monetary Union?
Presenter: Nicholas Drushella Mentor: Barbara West AM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: M3 The Grip of Money and Food Location: Maple Room Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm Since the crash of the euro in 2008 and the ensuing global economic meltdown, Europe has...
Commandeering the Public Voice: Government and Media
Presenters: Sheetal Krishnakumar, Grace-Ellen Mahoney and Keaton Kell Mentor: Vera Keller AM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: M2 Chaos in the Clouds Location: Alsea Room Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm The role of the state in supporting avenues of public...
Seeding the Cloud: Detecting Co-Residency with Network Flow Watermarking
Presenter: Hannah Pruse Mentor: Kevin Butler AM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: M2 Chaos in the Clouds Location: Alsea Room Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm Cloud computing has become vital in the realm of information technology by providing computing as a service....
Measuring Chaos in a Double Pendulum
Presenters: Vasha Dutell and Patrick Freeman Mentor: Eric Torrence AM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: M2 Chaos in the Clouds Location: Alsea Room Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm A double pendulum exhibits chaotic behavior given proper initial conditions. This...
Transgenically-targeted increase in the activity of medial entorhinal layer II neurons induces reversible field expansion and remapping of CA1 place cells
Presenter: Jasmine Dickinson Mentor: Aldis Weible AM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: M1 Genes and Neurons Location: Oak Room Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm The hippocampal formation plays a critical role in memory acquisition and consolidation. Hippocampal...
The Search for a New Gene in Synapse Formation
Presenter: Leif Schumacher Mentor: Tory Herman AM Session Oral Presentations Panel Name: M1 Genes and Neurons Location: Oak Room Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm Neurons are cells that make up the sophisticated network of our brain. These cells interact with other...
The Barcode System: A Robust In Vivo Genetic Manipulation Technique to Evaluate Essential Tumorigenic Genes
Presenter: Jesse Goldfarb Mentor: Hui Zong AM Session Oral Presentation Panel Name: M1 Genes and Neurons Location: Oak Room Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm The conventional method to evaluate a gene’s role in tumor formation involves targeting a gene in one population...
Climate Change in the Maldives: A Rising Tide That Cannot Be Ignored
Presenter: Madeline Culhane Journalism Oral Presentation The Maldives is a nation composed of a chain of islands in the Indian Ocean known for its tourism industry and white sand beaches. But it is also a modern example of a nation that must grapple with the immediate...
Humans and the North American Pleistocene Megafaunal Extinction
Presenter: Kelsey Stilson Paleontology (Geology) Oral Presentation The Pliestocene Megafaunal Extinction (PME) culled two-thirds of the world’s megafauna (mammal species with an average mass of >44 kg) over the relatively short period of 50,000 to 3,000 years ago....
Teaching about Climate Change: Awareness and Ability to Respond
Presenter: Christa Linz Environmental Studies Oral Presentation Although many believe that “America will only be as strong in this century as the education that we provide our students” (Obama, 2010), there is little focus on climate change in public school curricula....
Climate Justice, Energy, and Native Hawaiians
Presenter: Lehua Kauhane, University of Hawaii at Manoa Environmental Law Program Oral Presentation Hawaii’s dependence on foreign oil threatens our economic, social, and cultural wellbeing as oil prices continue to rise and the con- sequences of climate change become...
Northwest Indian College Carbon Footprint: Baseline Data for Raising Consciousness among Indians
Presenter: Forrest Callaghan, Northwest Indian College Oral Presentation Northwest tribes are based on a culture of harvest from the sea. Salmon are the center of religious ceremonies, economics, and the physical health of tribes. Northwest tribes additionally depend...
First Foods and Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest
Presenter: Carson Viles Environmental Studies Oral Presentation This research focuses on first foods, food security and climate change in the Pacific Northwest. Traditional foods of indigenous popu- lations, more commonly known as first foods, are being affected by...
Nature-Culture Dualism in US Climate Change Discussion
Presenter: Elise Downing Environmental Studies Oral Presentation The purpose or expectation of this research is to explore how perceptions of climate are related to the common understanding of the human-nature relationship in the USA. Research methods include...
Weaving Traditional Ecological Knowledge through Tsimshian Stories
Presenter: Mary Kennedy, Northwest Indian College Oral Presentation Throughout history, Tsimshian stories were an important element about how to live in balance within our environment. There are elders who tell me that those stories changed as our environment changes....
Indigenous Ecological Knowledge: Collaborative Land Management and Climate Change Adaptation (An Australian Case Study)
Presenter: Natasha Steinmann Environmental Studies Oral Presentation The effects of climate change are altering lifestyles across the globe, particularly those of indigenous communities. Due to the inti- mate relationship with the land that such communities have,...