Portland, Oregon: Minors Affected by Sex Trafficking

Presenter(s): Emily Mirbod

Co Presenter(s): sophie hansen, Desiree Whitney, Madisen Campbell, Tom Tandberg

Faculty Mentor(s): Noah Glusman

Poster 169

Session: Social Activism ARC

Portland, Oregon has one of the highest rates of human sex trafficking, especially of juveniles, in the United States. The high number of homeless youth, as well as youth who have ‘run away’ from home, are high targets as their more often than not increased vulnerability, psychologically and physically, can be manipulated and coerced by traffickers. One in six ‘runaways’ in 2014 were victims of sexual exploitation. Although trafficking of youth populations may not always be openly discussed or treated as the most prevalent issue, it is blatantly apparent that youth are targeted by the trafficking industry at alarmingly high rates. This is due to the populations increased vulnerability and in this case, Portland’s location which often allows for much more efficient transportation of the trafficked youth. Statistical evidence shows that 36% of those subjected to human trafficking in Portland, Oregon are 15 years old. The number becomes even more alarming when looking at homeless and runaway youth populations- 1 in 6 of these youth have been affected by exploitation. All available data on the subject shows that the more attention paid to this issue, the more likely people can recognize victims of sex trafficking and attempt to help them. With these findings, people may push for a greater federal and state information campaign. A campaign like this can extend beyond policy to not only to punish those responsible for these heinous crimes but actually prevent more cases and recognize those already in the system to safely extradite them from their captors.

A Sustainable Growing Method for Everyone

Presenter(s): Cristoff Ligon

Co Presenter(s): Gavin Bradley

Faculty Mentor(s): Sarah Stoeckl

Poster 176

Session: Environmental Leaders ARC

During the Winter 2019 term and the Spring 2019 term, the Community of Environmental Leaders hydroponics team has been hard at work building and maintaining hydroponics systems in the University of Oregon GrowPod. Hydroponics is an easy and cheap growing method that does not require the use of soil to raise plants, more specifically food such as leafy greens, mint or any other edible plant organically and with a minimal impact to the environment. The hydroponics team built three Deep Water Cultures in order to grow lettuce, mint and tomatoes. We used five-gallon buckets, small air pumps, plastic baskets and finally Growrock, a lightweight, expanded clay aggregate as the growing medium. Our result was beautiful, lush and not to mention delicious leaves of lettuce and will most likely result in tomatoes and mint in the near future. Hydroponics can easily be integrated into any home as it is inexpensive, easy to maintain, very sustainable, and requires little knowledge of how to grow food traditionally. This will inspire and educate people to add hydroponics into their home so they can achieve a smaller carbon footprint and live a more sustainable life.

Proposal for Textile Recycling at the University of Oregon

Presenter(s): Courtney Kaltenbach

Co Presenter(s): Alli Eroh, Stella Augustine, Caitlyn Mccall, Racheal Maloney, Maggie Craven

Faculty Mentor(s): Sarah Stoeckl

Poster 17

Session: Environmental Leaders ARC

We are in an age of fast fashion in which clothing is produced unsustainably on a massive scale. College campuses are where many trends develop and are expressed.While there are many opportunities to buy and sell used clothes near campus and in the greater Eugene area, there is a lack of clothing recycling and repurposing in Eugene, especially among college students. Once clothes develop holes, become stained, or become unwearable in any way, we struggle to find a use for them. We are going to create a proposal to begin a textile recycling program through the Student Sustainability Center in which there will be a permanent bin that anyone can bring any sort of textile to. We are hosting a pilot event at a freshman dorm in which we will be collecting unwanted clothing and textiles, handing out an educational zine, screening a documentary about fast fashion “The True Cost”, and leading an upcycling craft with unwearable clothes. We will use this event to collect data on the type of things donated and gauge the interest of college students with textile based activities. The goal of this project is to get students passionate about recycling their materials, specifically their clothing. We hope that through our pilot event and project proposals we will convince students and organizations around campus to lengthen the lifespan of their clothes and think critically about purchasing new garments.

Companion planting at the University of Oregon Grow Pod

Presenter(s): Anabelle Huffman

Co Presenter(s): Isabel Mosley, Sydney Gastman

Faculty Mentor(s): Sarah Stoeckl & Peg Boulay

Poster 174

Session: Environmental Leaders ARC

Our project explores the method of companion planting as an alternative way to produce food. Companion planting is the process of growing different plants together in order to enhance growth, increase pollination, and control pests. We are using the methods of companion planting in order to explore the success and effectiveness of this alternative to monoculture farms. To explore companion planting we have been working in the Grow Pod at the University of Oregon. The Grow Pod is an old shipping container that has been converted into an indoor greenhouse in order to explore the experimental methods of indoor agriculture. We have combined the experimental nature of indoor agriculture with companion planting in order to explore alternative methods which may be the future of agriculture. Within the Grow Pod we have been able to consult Alex, a master gardener, who has the background and expertise to guide our companion planting experiment. As our work with companion planting progresses we are looking to see how this method of agriculture impacts our produce through either supporting or infringing on healthy plants. Through our exploration of companion planting we are hoping to explore whether or not this method is more effective as a solution to stray away from the harmful forms of agriculture in that are currently in use in the future.

Oregon’s Gender Bias in Regards to Capital Punishment; the Complications and Implications Scholarly Article

Presenter(s): Lydia Giersch

Faculty Mentor(s): Noah Glusman

Poster 168

Session: Social Activism ARC

In our research, we analyzed the role that gender plays in correlation to capital punishment in Oregon. Our research started through an abolitionary point of view in regards to the death penalty; we examined gender and its intersections with age and race. After taking a deeper look at gender, we found a multitude of diverse viewpoints. However, the facts are that women only account for 2-3 percent of those executed while they make up 10 percent of those convicted. Our research and project centers around the reasoning behind these facts. We found that women’s cases were greatly impacted by cultural narratives, unlike male convictions which encompass the mass majority of death row cases. For example, when a woman is convicted of murder, she is more likely to be sentenced to death if the murder is of a loved one, such as an intimate partner, family member or child. We believe that this stems from a break in our cultural norms as women are supposed to be caretakers, gentle and loving. The judicial system generally empathizes with women until they break these cultural norms, in which case women receive harsher punishments. When these cultural roles and their correlation to the death penalty are examined for men, it seems as though men are being sentenced to death at a higher rate than women.