Fostering the Next Generation of Climate Leaders: Environmental Education in the Virtual World

Presenter(s): Lenora Davis—Environmental Science

Co-Presenter(s): Lenora Davis, Daisy Jones, Drew Macko, Tenley Ong, Connor Paschke, Madison Rush, Marychris Sitton, Kaylynn Wohl,

Faculty Mentor(s): Kathryn Lynch, Michael Madden

Session 4: Environmental Leaders Program

Through the University of Oregon Environmental Leadership Program, eight undergraduate students— the Majestic Trees team—designed and implemented a virtual environmental education program for local middle school students during the COVID-19 school closures . Students interacted in online lessons and completed activities, explored and learned about local ecology, and analyzed the impacts of climate change on their local environment . Students engaged with these themes through the art of inquiry and interpretation, integrating the sciences, arts, and humanities into a cohesive unit . Utilizing multi-dimensional experiential education, the students communicated, collaborated, observed, and thought critically about key environmental systems and issues . These skills are integral to enabling young people to become engaged global citizens . The goal of Majestic Trees is to instill empathy and awareness in local students, inspiring them to take action to create a better world.

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