McKenzie River Side Channel Restoration: The Enhancement of Salmon Spawning Habitat and Riparian Ecosystems

Presenter: Thomas Van Hevelingen and Ben Miller

Mentor: Peg Boulay

PM Session Oral Presentation

Panel Name: A3 Trends in Restoration

Location: Metolius Room

Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm

The 2012 Environmental Leadership Program (ELP) is divided into six teams. The Stream Stewardship Team has devoted our efforts to the restoration and enhancement of McKenzie River side-channel ecosystems. In recent years, declining salmon populations have peaked both political and social interests in the Pacific Northwest. Our restoration efforts have been focused on the rejuvenation of Coho salmon spawning grounds and surrounding habitats in the McKenzie River side channels. Habitat enhancement methods includ- ed the placement of large woody debris, propagation of native plant species, and removal of invasive vegetation. We have monitored previous ELP management in order to assess the effectiveness of riparian restoration at this site. Our results indicate a significant de- crease in invasive vegetation and a high survival rate of planted native species. Furthermore, in-stream restoration efforts have proven successful in creating pools and sediment gradients beneficial to salmon spawning habitat. Management of the McKenzie side channel site has proven largely successful and could potentially be adapted to other locations in future restoration projects.

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