What’s in my Dust? Communicating Research Findings to Agricultural Families

Presenter : Rossmary Marquez

Major : Human Physiology

Poster 29

The collection of environmental samples represents a responsibility to return study findings to participants. However, developing appropriate and understandable messages can be challenging due to language differences and cultural differences. A previous study collected information from families living in an agricultural community about ways they may be exposed to pesticides and the impact of pesticides on the health and neurological development of their children. A total of 483 dust samples were collected over 4 years. The dust samples collected were analyzed for four organophosphate pesticides. The goal of this study was to evaluate different formats for presenting study findings to participants. Material presenting the results of pesticide concentration was developed along with materials describing methods to reduced exposure. A pilot study was designed to determine which format should be used and questions were designed to evaluate knowledge and reaction to the data. English speakers and Spanish speakers were recruited for the study. It was determined that education and language impacted people’s ability to read and understand the graphs. Higher education was associated with higher quiz scores. English speaking group scored higher. Finding the best ways to return results is still a challenge. Feedback received form the community members was utilized to design an effective and appropriate intervention material to reduce pesticide exposure and inform the families about the pesticides levels found in their homes.

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