Presenter: Leela Hickman
Co-Presenters: Matthew Kauffman, Sarah McLain
Mentor: Peg Boulay
Oral Presentation
Major: Environmental Science
The construction of Blue River and Cougar Dams, as well as human development along the McKenzie River, has negatively impacted the quality of downstream riparian habitat. Flood control by the dams has reduced the frequency of disturbance in side channels, an important microhabitat of riparian zones that improve water quality for plants, aquatic organisms, terrestrial organisms, and humans. Side channels with healthy riparian vegetation create shade, which increases water quality by decreasing water temperature. The Berggren Watershed Conservation Area (BWCA) provides a unique opportunity to model more ecosystem-friendly farming and restore approximately a one kilometer reach of the McKenzie River, including numerous side channels. This spring, we will contribute to the restoration of this site by conducting invasive and native plant surveys, fish and amphibian surveys, monitoring previously riparian planting sites, removing invasive plant species, and planting native vegetation. Vegetation monitoring established in past restoration projects determines the health and survival of previous plantings; from this information, an adaptive management plan can be implemented. By surveying fish populations within BWCA side channels, population trends can be used to indicate whether or not the riparian restoration has been effective in increasing viable fish habitat. Successful restoration and management of the riparian zone at BWCA can be measured by an increase in native fish and plant populations over time.