Why Certain Counties that Are Part of the Environmental Integrity Group (Switzerland, Mexico, and South Korea).

Presenter(s): Alexander Winkler − Political Science

Faculty Mentor(s): Ronald Mitchell

Poster 193

Research Area: Climate Change

My research question is ‘Why certain counties that are part of the Environmental Integrity Group (Switzerland, Mexico, and South Korea), although spread across different parts of the world, are together and disagree with the other negotiation groups, specifically compared to more, developed countries that surround them.’ This question is important to research because the countries in the Environmental Integrity Group make up for many different kinds of ecosystems, and are not the biggest producers of emissions on their continents. It is important to compare their beliefs to others to find common ground. I will research articles online to help bring me to a conclusion. I will examine individual CO2 emissions per country and related data that is relevant. I expect to come to a conclusion that the countries associated with the Environmental Integrity Group believe what they do because their countries are factors of more industrialized countries emitting greater amounts of CO2, and are trying to find ways to sustain their environments from their emissions and from neighboring countries.

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