Utilizing real time strain to modulate patient-specific rehabilitation optimizing bone recovery

Presenter(s): Walker Rosenthal – Human Physiology

Co-Presenter(s): Alyssa Vongphachanh

Faculty Mentor(s): Kylie Nash

Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation

Severe bone injuries often result in high complication rates and poor functional recovery. Mechanical loading through rehabilitation is a longstanding treatment for these injuries, but current practices are still challenged with variable healing, limiting this promising therapeutic [1,2]. Recent advancements in implantable strain sensors may promote better understanding of how rehabilitation induced loads contribute to healing outcomes [1]. Our lab uses this idea in a rat femoral segmental model stabilized with an internal fixation plate embedded with an implantable strain sensor to analyze the mechanical environment throughout healing for different loading conditions. Past work has found that load-sharing (compliant) fixation devices exhibited improved healing outcomes when compared to load-shielding (non-compliant) fixation plates [3]. We investigated the effects of rehabilitation on bone volume by using a wireless compliant fixation device capable of acquiring real-time micro-strain measurements on a segmental defect in the femur. We found that bone union occurred in 3/3 rehabilitated rats and only 2/4 in non-rehabilitated, sedentary counterparts. Rehabilitated rats experienced a higher mean strain amplitude and their bones bridged earlier than their sedentary counterparts. Our findings suggest a relationship between strain and bone healing outcomes. We hope to further explore the effects of rehabilitation intensity on local defect strain and thus bone healing outcomes.

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