From the Ground Up: Connections and Contradictions Within the United States Housing Movement

Presenter: Anna Nguyen – Economics, Political Science

Faculty Mentor(s): Alison Gash

Session: (In-Person) Oral Panel—Connection and Community

The repercussions of the housing crisis today are immense, to say the least. Accelerating trends of deregulation, financialization, and globalization produce conditions that are ripe for real estate investment. Neoliberal policies make affordable housing inaccessible by design. The idea of housing— as a lived and social space, a necessary form of shelter, and a universal basic need—has been stripped away for purposes of profit generation. With these deteriorating conditions in mind, this much is clear: the housing crisis is a colossal problem and will not be resolved overnight. Tenant and unhoused organizers who understand this reality are motivated by it and have acted accordingly to respond to the crisis at its worst. Evaluating the scope of eviction and its root causes necessitates a deeper understanding of housing insecurity and the traumatic displacement of tenants on a political, economic, and spatial level. Because working class tenants and their unhoused neighbors are subject to experiences of housing precarity in their daily lives, they have a lot to gain from establishing solidarity with each other. The goal of this thesis is to investigate how tenant and unhoused groups navigate these collaborative relationships tensions as they respond to the housing crisis on a local and national scale.

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