Impact of a Single Bout of Blood Flow Restriction Exercise on Muscle Stem Cells

Presenter(s): Jaslena Gill — Human Physiology

Co-Presenter(s): Noah Lovgren

Faculty Mentor(s): Hans Dreyer

Session: (In-Person) Poster Presentation

Blood flow restriction exercise (BFR-Ex) is a form of low-load exercise that restricts extremity blood flow. BFR-Ex has been shown to cause an increase in muscle mass, strength, and muscle stem (satellite) cells. Satellite cells are critical for muscle homeostasis and regeneration. The loss of satellite cells precedes Type II muscle cell decline, a process called sarcopenia, affecting up to 50% of the elderly. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of a single bout of BFR-Ex on muscle structure 24 hours and 7 days later in young and older adults. We expect satellite cell numbers will increase 24 hours post-exercise and return to normal by 7 days. We also expect signs of muscle cell denervation, cell membrane damage, and recent repair of muscle damage at 7 days post-exercise. Subjects (18-40 yo, 6 female, 6 male) will participate. Subjects will have a baseline biopsy on the left leg followed by a single bout of BFR-Ex on the right leg. Post-BFR-Ex biopsies will be obtained on the right leg after 24 hours and 7 days. Immunohistochemistry will be used to determine cross-sectional area, satellite cell number, fiber type, muscle nuclei, and centrally located nuclei. This will allow us to measure muscle cell denervation, cell membrane damage, and recent repair of muscle damage. To date, one subject has completed the protocol, one has consented, and another will be consented this week. Tissue samples are currently being processed.

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