Counterstory: Researching and Analyzing Public Speaking Literacy Amongst College Students

Presenter: Sally Campbell Journalism

Co-Presenter(s): Greg Martin

Faculty Mentor(s): Emily Simnitt

(In-Person) Data Stories—The Languages of Data

Public speaking is one form of literacy that is used frequently but does not always get the same level of attention as other forms, such as writing and reading. According to UCLA, 75% of people suffer from some sort of anxiety preceding speeches and public speaking. It is a goal of mine, and a few others to get the resources on campus to aid those with public speaking anxiety. From a more narrow perspective, this study will work to uncover the difference between talent versus strength in terms of public speaking—with talent being a more natural capability, and a strength entailing more time and energy invested in the talent. By using already published statistics, other universities’ experiences, and focus groups specific to the University of Oregon, this study is working to find the necessary qualitative and quantitative data to build a successful resource for the university. Success in this context entails a place where all feel welcome, and the needs of each individual can be met . The research will be important to make this unique resource thrive.

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