The recent history of PCUN and the victories of farmworkers in Oregon

Presenter: Odalis Aguilar Aguilar − History, Latin American Studies, Spanish

Faculty Mentor(s): Julie Weise

(In-Person) Poster Presentation 

For this project, I was approached by PCUN’s executive director to document the last few years of the history of the organization. About 10 years ago, a professor from the University of Oregon partnered up with the organization and since then, historic victories have been secured for the farm working and Latinx immigrant community. My approach was to analyze the ways in which organizers and staff retell their experiences working in legislative processes and also expand on what PCUN is and how they carry its mission. These interviews were done in both English and Spanish and are transcribed. While being in conversation with the folks I interviewed, I found that there was a turning point in PCUN’s recent history that really catapulted their success and put PCUN on another playing field where usually dominant culture organizations are overwhelmingly present. This project not only serves as a historical piece, but it also strives to provide new and coming PCUN staff a document that can ground them and visualize themselves as leaders who will continue the legacy of PCUN elders.

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