Genomic News From an Old Fish: Understanding Gene Regulation by Sequencing the Genome of a Living Fossil, the Spotted Gar (Lepisosteus oculatus)

Presenter: Margo Werner, Biology

Poster: D-3

Mentor: Ingo Braasch, John Postlethwait Biology

Cis-regulatory elements (CREs) are important regions of the genome that modulate the expression of nearby genes. However, their role in the evolution of genes is not yet well understood. To examine the function and evolution of CREs in fish, we study the spotted gar (Lepisosteus oculatus). The gar is a ‘living fossil’ that diverged from teleost fishes just before a teleost-specific whole genome duplication. Comparing the genome sequence of gar to teleosts allows us to investigate the appearance of CREs in relation to this genome duplication. We screen a genomic library of the gar in order to find regions of the genome containing developmentally relevant genes and their CREs. These genomic regions are then sequenced using next generation sequencing techniques. The results will potentially help us to understand the evolution of gene regulation in fish.accurate indicators of ancient local species distribution.

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