Interactive Children’s Pet Care System

Presenter: Natasha Michalowsky

Mentor: Jason Germany

PM Poster Presentation

Poster 28

The vov.vov system leverages technology and social media to enhance, elevate and expand dog ownership for children. Children are not great dog owners because they lack knowledge about how to train and care for a dog and require assistance from parents to remember to care for their pet. This product empowers children to learn how to be great dog owners through an informational social network and interactive watch. The slap watch is inherently adjustable to any size wrist. There are no sharp edges to cut oneself on or loose parts that could cause a choking risk. Although it is designed with a focus on children ages 7-10, the system will work for a far wider array of ages. The interface is simple and has both images and words to allow children without developed reading skills to use the system. The touch screen interface is intuitive to any age and simple to use. The social network allows the watch to teach more complex skills over time as the data about the child’s age is factored into the tasks and information in the watch. Consumers are comfortable with the interaction of the analog and digital worlds, which makes the timing ideal for creating a product to help children with their analog tasks using the technology and interaction they enjoy. Technology has successfully made positive changes in adult lifestyles with products like the Nike+ watch and this is the opportunity to expand the market to children.

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