Presenters : Starr Hathway, Adrian Robins, Jacob Sembler
Mentor : Kathryn Lynch
Major : Environmental Studies, Cinema Studies
Poster 39
The McKenzie River Valley sustains a unique heritage that is in danger of being lost. The purpose of River Stories is to preserve the oral histories and traditions of the area before they are forgotten. Our goal is to share the stories we collect with the Eugene/Springfield community, as well as the residents of the McKenzie Valley and their families. The River Stories team is collecting these accounts from McKenzie River area residents that run the spectrum from river guides to local artisans. While conducting weekly interviews, the team employs an anthropological approach to capture the endangered community knowledge, specifically using audio and video formats. River Stories then uses transcription, audio logging, and video editing to create a product that is ready for community-wide dissemination. Thus far, 13 weeks of fieldwork have yielded findings that help piece together the McKenzie’s grander story. The team has inter- viewed 20 individuals from over a dozen pursuits including boat building, fly fishing, and sustainable agriculture. This term, the team is developing a mini-documentary series which aims to communicate findings to the Eugene/Springfield community. This project will encourage further documentation and appreciation of the McKenzie River Valley, setting a foundation for the connection of genera- tions and neighboring communities.