Making a Catalyst in order to Study the Break Down of Plastics and Other Polymers

Presenter: Mollie Bello (Chemistry)

Mentor: David Tyler

Oral Presentation

Panel C: “Explorations in Chemistry and Water” Oak Room

Concurrent Session 3: 1:45-3:00pm

Facilitator: Sheri Donahoe

The break-down of plastics is an important area of research; however, the way in which these plastics break down is a very complicated reaction. In order to better understand the how different environmental factors play a role in this degradation, the Tyler Lab has synthesized very weak polymers (polymers are the building blocks of plastics). Simple polymers of this type have already been synthesized, which is why my project has been focused on making these weak polymers with a more complicated structure. In order to make this reaction work, a catalyst is needed. In order to use this catalyst, it needs to be synthesized. The production of this catalyst is where my focus has been centered. When the reaction conditions described in the literature are used, I have proven that a different molecule is formed. Going forward on this project, I want to discover why the catalyst is not being formed, and what I can change about my reaction conditions in order to make the desired product.

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