Sustainable Farms: A Management Plan for Restoring Goose Creek

Presenter: Adrian Robins

Co-Presenters: Jordan Grace, Solveig Noll, Celina Stilphen

Mentor: Peg Boulay

Oral Presentation

Major: Environmental Science

This spring, the Environmental Leadership Program’s Sustainable Farms team is working with a local farm to develop a restoration plan for a degraded creek. Goose Creek runs through Whitewater Ranch and into the McKenzie River, which provides the city of Eugene with its drinking water. Prior use of the creek has reduced its ability to support native species. With the farm’s support, we are developing a plan to enhance aquatic habitat and support native pollinators. To create this plan, we will study historic conditions, map the site, collect hydrogeologic data, and inventory native fish and pollinator species. This will help us make recommendations for removing invasive species, creating a riparian buffer, and planting a native hedgerow. The riparian buffer will lower downstream temperatures and enhance stream habitat while the native hedgerow will provide habitat for native pollinators. This work will benefit Whitewater, local wildlife, and the farm’s downstream neighbors. Our management plan will provide a foundation for Whitewater and future ELP students, who will carry out the restoration work on Goose Creek. We hope this project will also set a precedent for further improvements to the McKenzie River watershed.

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