Presenter: Simone Smith
Mentor: Kevin Hatfield
Oral Presentation
Major: Business Administration
Governor George L. Woods, with the help of various members in the US Army and federal government such as Secretary of War Edwin Stanton and General Crook, created a strong federal presence specifically unique to Oregon. Under Woods’ rule, ethnocide along with the use of Indian Scouts were legalized, leading to the attempted extermination of the Northern Paiute and the strengthening of the federal government’s control in Oregon in the context of Richard White’s “kindergarten” theory. The expansion of federal power is evident through Woods’ decision to use Indian Scouts during the Snake War from 1866 to 1868. Prior to Woods’ term in office, the government
had not legalized the pitting of Indian against Indian for the purpose of extermination. Through further inspection of state documents, newspapers, letters, and manuscripts, it becomes evident that this history employs a further discussion of authority and of marginalization. Acting alongside Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, Woods was able to bypass several military officers in order to attempt to eliminate the Northern Paiute during the erroneously named “Snake War” which scholar Gregory Michno proclaims to be “the deadliest Indian war” in terms of Native American casualties. The history of Woods’ genocidal rampage is absent in the common understanding of Oregon’s history and many scholars have overlooked the impact of Woods’ presence in Oregon. In the existing literature surrounding the Snake War and the history of Oregon, Governor Woods is mentioned very briefly although his impact on the Northern Paiute is quite substantial. Given that there are currently no published biographies on the third governor of Oregon, Governor George L. Woods, this research provides original material and will contribute to a larger body of work on federalized power in Oregon and its effect on the Northern Paiute.