Mickey Mouse and the Creation of an Animated Star

Presenter: Brandon Rains

Mentor: Priscilla Ovalle, English

Poster: 54

Majors: Digital Arts and Cinema Studies 

Mickey Mouse is one of the most well-known and influential animated cartoon characters in modern society. All of his mannerisms, voice, personality and characteristics have been created by a team at the Walt Disney Animation Studio in order to achieve success and major stardom. Mickey’s large eyes, rounded shape, inviting smile, energetic and exaggerated actions, versatility and simplicity are all important factors decided by his creators. Other possible influences on his success include technological innovations: synchronized sound, storyboard techniques, and multi-plane cameras. He is a completely fabricated character. I am interested in establishing my own animation and character design techniques based off of the work done with Mickey Mouse. Much of my research will be gathered from extensive analysis of the design, personality and actions of Mickey Mouse in short films from the 1930s. I plan to take all the research I have gathered on Mickey Mouse and alter different processes and techniques in order to fulfill my own goals as an animator. I will also become fully engaged in the creative process and deconstruct drawings and clips by physically drawing Mickey Mouse. My goal is to successfully create an animation that is capable of reaching and influencing a mass audience. As I begin to create my own animated works and star characters it will be crucial for me to understand the sacrifices I am willing to make in order to succeed.

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