The Increased Danger of High Drivers: Evidence from the Fatal Accident Reporting System

Presenter: Mitchell VanVuren

Co-Presenters: Daniel Palau

Faculty Mentor: Benjamin Hansen, Bill Harbaugh

Presentation Type: Oral

Primary Research Area: Social Science

Major: Economics, Mathematics

As recreational marijuana legalization grows increasingly prominent, one possible externality of its use concerns its impact on driving; motorists under the influence of marijuana may have increased risk of being involved in a fatal accident. We use national-level data from the Fatal Accident Reporting System to estimate the increased risk due to high drivers. Using a multinomial model of car accidents, we estimate that a high driver is at least 2.8 times more likely to be involved in a fatal car accident than a sober driver. Ours is the first study to estimate this parameter while accounting for changes in driving patterns across geography and time over nine years.

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