The Brokeback Mountain Controversy: Converging Identities of Queer Masculinity in the American West

Presenter: Dorothea Mosman

Faculty Mentor: Kevin Hatfield

Presentation Type: Oral

Primary Research Area: Social Science

Major: English, Political Science

“If John Wayne were alive, he’d be rolling over in his grave!” Thus came veteran actor Ernest Borgnine’s assessment of Brokeback Mountain at the height of the 2005 media frenzy it spurred. So declared hordes of conservative pundits, liberal film critics, and American viewers: “that gay cowboy movie” was, at worst, an abomination, and at best, an outlandish fiction with no grounds in the reality of the Wild West. The de-heterosexualization of the mythic cowboy, essentially the age-old archetype of American masculinity, threw audiences into a tizzy. But are “the homosexual” and “the cowboy” as incongruous as mainstream American thought would indicate? Serious investigation into historical subcultures of the American West, underscored in cowboy poetry, records, and folklore, reveals a thriving—if enigmatic—gay community. Even those like early twentieth century Wyoming poet laureate Charles Badger Clark who outwardly fulfill the stereotypes of the classic masculine cowboy may simultaneously display queer undertones in their poetry and verse. Brokeback Mountain seems, then, not a condemnable bastardization of the “real” Wild West, but a convincing modern Western with a prescient message: that homosexuality and the West can and do mix, and that queerness does not, as Ernest Borgnine would maintain, negate the masculinity of the cowboy.

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