Most Necessitous Strangers: Causes and Impact of Sea Level Rise

Presenter(s): Natalie Tichenor − Political Science

Faculty Mentor(s): Dave Sutherland

Poster 189

Research Area: Cryosphere

This project investigates the extent, causes, and impact of sea levels rising. More specifically, the project analyzes sea level rise in relation to regions that will be most devastated by sea level rise, looking at steps that could be taken in order to mitigate damages. It is clear that sea level rise is caused by two things: thermal expansion of sea water due to ocean warming and water mass input from land ice melt and land water reservoirs. Further, it is known that sea level does not rise uniformly due to currents, ocean temperature, and many other factors. The main questions I hope to answer in my research are: Which areas are predicted to be most gravely affected by sea level rise? And what sorts of steps could be taken to prevent the potential destruction of sea levels rising? The goal of this research is to create a scientific framing for understanding the increasingly prevalent issue of climate change refugees that, when applied, can either provide preventative measures for a more sustainable environment or at least offer solutions for how to handle the destruction.

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