To What Degree Do Economic Circumstances Determine Compliance Costs That Consequently Push Like-Minded Nations Apart?

Presenter(s): Taylor Herman − Marine Biology, Environmental Science

Faculty Mentor(s): Ron Mitchell

Poster 158

Research Area: Political Science

Rainforest nations that are exposed to similar environmental conditions are often driven to implement different international policies out of economic necessity. The establishment of the Coalition for Rainforest Nations was intended to unite rainforest nations despite their differences. According to Vaahtoranta and Sprinz, countries are more likely to participate in coalitions if the costs of compliance are low. This paper will analyze the degree to which economic circumstance determines compliance costs that consequently push like-minded nations apart, using Costa Rica and Brazil as model nations. Though these are both rainforest nations, they each took different positions regarding their participation in the United Nations Program on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD), which may be due to differences in economic standing.

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