Effects Of Histamine-Receptor Blockade And Exercise On Blood-Glucose Concentration

Presenter(s): Sabrina Raqueno-Angel − Human Physiology

Faculty Mentor(s): John Halliwill, Matt Ely

Poster 23

Research Area: Natural Science

Funding: OURS Program, the Oregon Undergraduate Researchers in SPUR (Summer Program for Undergraduate Research in Life Sciences)

Histamine is a molecular transducer released from mast cells during exercise, and its role during the exercise period is unknown. The experiment’s purpose was to determine if H1/H2 histamine receptor blockades would decrease blood-glucose concentrations during exercise. It was hypothesized that histamine receptor blockade would decrease blood-glucose concentrations during exercise. Subjects were chosen if ages 18-40, had a BMI of ≤ 25 kg/m2, experience riding/racing bikes, and can perform 3 hours of continuous exercise. The independent variable was the pill taken (antihistamine or placebo), and the dependent was blood-glucose concentration. After a screening and two familiarization visits, the subject completed four study visits, in which they performed a 120-minute cycling exercise at 50% VO2 max on a stationary bike in a temperature and humidity-controlled room. Before each study visit, the subject was randomly given a placebo pill or antihistamine and rested for two hours. Measurements were taken from the earlobe pre-exercise and three times during exercise at 15, 60, and 120 minutes. Repeated-measures two-way ANOVA (RM ANOVA, Group X Time) was used for statistical analysis. No differences were found between placebo and antihistamine groups (p = 0.801), and no Group X Time Interaction was determined (p = 0.881). Blood glucose levels at 15, 60, and 105 minutes were lower than the pre-exercise levels (p<0.001). No significant differences in blood-glucose concentrations were found between placebo and antihistamine groups. This research provides valuable information regarding histamine’s role in the cardiovascular system’s physiological pathways, which is important for forming cardiovascular disease prevention.

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