Sterilization and Treatment of Women and Children in Rajneeshpuram

Presenter(s): Lisa Kwan

Faculty Mentor(s): Bharat Venkat

Poster 26

Session: Sciences

My research revolves around the community of Rajneeshpuram, which was established and fully realized during the 1980’s in Antelope, Oregon. Headed by a spiritual named Bhagwan Rajneesh, residency on the ashram required adopting a specific lifestyle and ideology characterized by free sex and thought. Due to this, Rajneeshpuram often earns itself the title of ‘cult,’ although its members vehemently rejected this label. Rajneeshpuram was infamous for a number of reasons- -its rampant voter and immigration fraud, bioterrorism stunts, assassination plots, militia, and unethical practices regarding sex and reproductive health. This last issue is what my research focuses largely on, particularly the rumors surrounding sterilization and encouragement of sex in young girls. I explore how the principle of ideological totalism fueled an unhealthy perception of sex and sexual relationships in the community, as well as the pedophilia allegations against Bhagwan and many male Rajneeshis. Further, I did extensive research on the Rajneesh Medical Corp and the sterilization surgeries they performed on young girls. These discoveries led into an exploration of eugenics and reproductive control on the ashram, and more broadly, the treatment of women and children in the community. The demonization of nuclear family units as well as monogamous relationships created a unique isolation which deemed Bhagwan the sole emotional and spiritual outlet for these individuals. While preaching feminist ideology, Rajneeshpuram was in reality a destructive environment not only for women but also the young girls that grew up there.

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