The Influence of Russia in the Former Soviet Republics and Beyond.

Presenter(s): Maryam Moghaddami—Cinema Studies, Psychology

Faculty Mentor(s): Matthias Vogel

Session: Prerecorded Poster Presentation

Historically an international and regional power, Russia once more dominates the headlines with Russian influence seen from Ukraine to the United Kingdom and even Bolivia . Russia’s rise to prominence and the concurrent conservative wave that has swept many countries in Europe and beyond serves as a chilling echo of the Soviet Union .

In this research project, I will examine the recent history of Russia in relation to its neighbors and the current tactics used to exert political, economic, and cultural influence over the former Republics in order to better understand how Russia’s increasing global authority is a reflection of its dominance within its sphere of influence . Additionally, I will explore the parallels in these recent issues to those of the Soviet Union and consider what may be said about Russia’s future given the USSR’s past . In
my research I investigate and analyze news publications, scholarly journals and magazines, and data published by non-governmental as well as governmental organizations . For many years now Russia has been striving to exert control over the former Soviet Republics that crowd the eastern Russian border . My research demonstrates how Russia also utilizes its significant soft power in Eastern Europe and Central Asia to further Russian influence over the countries in these regions and their peoples .

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