Lolicon and Its Effects on Japanese Society

Presenter(s): Natalie Padilla—Computer science

Co-Presenter(s): Elizabeth Chandler, Jamie Arpan

Session: Prerecorded Poster Presentation

Hypersexualization of minors is a continuous problem prevalent in Japan . This particular brand of hypersexualization is known as Lolicon which is the attraction to prepubescent girls, particularly in anime and manga . Historically, it is derived from the 1955 novel titled Lolita, which depicts a middle- aged man’s dark obsession with a young girl, but Lolicon didn’t become a recognized genre until the 1970’s when fan artists depicted their favorite female characters of the time as underage girls . There is still ongoing debate within Japanese society about its harmful effects, some dubbing it as a “sickness”, while other individuals find no problem with continuing the practice . Regardless, it is still incredibly easy to find openly in Japan, with convenience stores selling magazines containing lolicon imagery . Utilizing academic research, we will showcase how this problem is influencing and normalizing the attraction to underage girls . We will discuss the impact, local and globally, on the acceptance and societal effect of Lolicon, as well as the steps taken to combat its influence in Japan .

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