Emery Owens Abstract

Presenter(s): Chelsea Pitarresi—Journalism, Cinema Studies

Faculty Mentor(s): Dan Cheung

Session 4: Let’s KIDD Around: KIDD Creative Writing Program

“Emery Owens” is a story of the liminal spaces of life; the peculiarity of the early stages of adulthood and adult relationships, when you have been given both the freedom and restrictions of an established adult, but have no idea how to take advantage of them . Max finds comfort in these in-betweens, and has difficulties moving to the next “big thing” his life has to offer . While adjusting to surprising annoyances in his new job at the bowling alley, Max leans on his brand-new relationship with Delilah for comfort . As the relationship progresses though, he finds himself not wanting to break the illusions of perfection that newness can offer relationships, and directs his anxieties towards Delilah’s unusual pet, Emery Owens . When I first started writing the story, I was focused purely on the strange dynamic between Max and Emery Owens and was writing with a very specific and dramatic ending in mind . However, as my writing came into shape, I found the real value of Max’s story in the smaller moments .

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