Redefining Menstruation: Awareness through an event that creates a tangible reusable menstrual pad while facilitating conversation around stigma, menstruation, and the life cycle of period products.

Presenter(s): Abigail Gravatt—Environmental Science

Co-Presenter(s): Olivia Holah, Payton Lagomarsino, Abigail Daffner

Faculty Mentor(s): Taylor McHolm

Session 1: Environmental Leaders ARC

This project explores and redefines what it means to be a person who menstruates in a society believing that only women menstruate; aligned with a focus on non-reusable menstrual products advertised to women . Through a virtual workshop we will demonstrate that to break down stigma revolving around those who menstruate and single use products there needs to be education and active engagement with the creation of reusable products . Those who menstruate cannot ignore their periods making a zero waste lifestyle challenging . How do we shift from a dependence on single use products to recognizing reusable products? First, education is necessary to deconstruct both the stigma around menstruation, and the cleanliness of reusable products . Second is a tangible reusable menstrual product that will serve as a tool to get people closer to our goal of destigmatizing the uncleanliness associated with menstruation . To achieve these goals, we will create a virtual workshop . We will advertise this through our website and Instagram; increasing our target audience . Putting our video online for the public to view will allow us to reach hundreds of individuals . Out of this digital event we will record information and data on participation, feedback via comments and outreach from viewers, and tangible products created . Ultimately, our virtual workshop will serve as a platform for discussion and inclusivity around reusable menstrual products .

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