Neoliberalism Was Born and Will Die in Chile

Presenter(s): Derek Evans—Sociology and Psychology

Co-Presenter(s): Soren Scheu Porter Wheeler

Faculty Mentor(s): Matthias Vogel

Session 5: It’s a Small World After All

The research being presented will explore the effects, both adverse and beneficial, of the implementation of neoliberal policy and administration, by referring to and drawing from the progression of neoliberalism paired with the regression of socioeconomic equity in contemporary Chile . By delving into the subjects of sociology, cultural anthropology, and political science, we have developed a collection of information that supports and challenges our argument, that neoliberalism is damaging to the people of Chile . In analyzing the resources drawn from all of the subjects listed above, we will be focusing on the development of neoliberal policy, the sustaining of the neoliberal cycle, and the forms of exploitation paired with their damaging effects within society . Our core research focus, and argument, is that Chile and its people would benefit greatly from abandoning its current political regime and opting for a more socialized form of governance . In summary, neoliberal policy and administration have set Chile’s people behind in the world and is only serving to cement their position in the global south .

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