Presenter(s): Adeline Fecker—Biology
Co-Presenter(s): Nolan Kriska, Hailey O’Donnell
Faculty Mentor(s): Barbara Mossberg
Session 3: An Unprecedented Creative Work
“Ecopoetics” comes from the two greek roots: oikos, meaning family, property and house; and poiesis, meaning to make . Together, we understand ecopoetry as home making; a process of creation and compassion and belonging . In this time of quarantine, home making means even more as our physical and mental ecosystem changes . Last year, our team presented environmental awareness poetry with help from Oregon’s poet laureate Kim Stafford . We worked hard to immerse our audience and instil memorable value . We did this through maximizing the use of space, language, visuals and physical objects . This year we seek to inspire others to express themselves so that their long term emotional growth continues through the tragedy of a pandemic . Through poetry, we truly harness mindfulness and we interrogate the meaning of what it means to be healthy . We hope you join us on this poetic journey and construction project for an ecosystem of healing.