Black Student Protest at the University of Oregon: Fifty Years in the Making

Presenter(s): Desirae Brown—Sociology

Faculty Mentor(s): Debra Thompson

Session 5.5: McNair Scholars Presentations

In 2015, colleges and universities across the United States saw an uprising of student protests followed by student demands . These demands were made primarily by African American and other student of color unions . Students rallied to challenge the history and culture of racism on their campuses, primarily on Predominately White Institutions . They did so by demanding their universities to actively commit to updating, changing and enacting a multitude of diversity initiatives that include but are not limited to, the hiring of more Black faculty, the opening of Black cultural centers, and increasing Black student enrollment and retention . This research will be a comparative analysis of student protest and demands of the University of Oregon; focusing on the 1967-68 and 2015-16 academic years . It will begin by studying the racial histories of Eugene, OR which will provide the framework for the continued and current racial climate in the area that has launched social activism . With this framework, this research will examine the UO Black Student Union’s Demands of 1968, as well as the climate and outcomes after such grievances were issued to the University . The study will move forward, examining the 2015-era of student protest . This research will explore the rise of Black student protest in Eugene, again in 2015; using the UO Black Student Task Force Demands to President Michael Schill, to study the similar grievances placed by Black Students nearly 50 years after the original demands . The research will study the social and institutional outcomes of each era of protest, and efforts made to move forward .

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