West Side Portland, OR
High income residents of Portland tend to reside in the hills on the West side of the Columbia. Residents often have to drive to the base of the hill to reach any sort of service or store.
4 star hotels help us narrows our search that this is the right area to put the spa.
Traffic conditions during rush hour between 4:00-7:00pm
Competitions around the area
The area with zip code between 97202 and 97209, there are 42,525 people living in that area. Comparing this to the area with zip code 97212 and 97219 there are 39,472 people living there. This therefore tells us that the area in the west side of Portland is the right area to locate our spa.
After finding this information, we thought this was compelling evidence to prove that this is the best area in Portland to start up the new spa. This gives detailed information about the particular area along with demographics and numbers.