To analyze the data we decided to group it by Customer Segment to begin. We used the total profits, order count and profit/order equations to see what the data could tell us through the Customer Segment. What we found was that the Corporate segment created the largest total profits with $599,746 and the lowest was the Consumer segment with $287,960. The largest order count to no surprise went to the Corporate segment again with 3076, but instead of the Consumer being the lowest order count, in this analysis portion the segment with the smallest order count was Small Business with 1642. Following the trend, the Corporate segment had the greatest profit/order with $195 and Home Office had the lowest profit/order with $157. Overall, Corporate segments were the most profitable and successful in the superstore sales.
Job Culture Research
StandardMarketing Specialist for Hi-Tec Sports (Tigard, OR)
Hi-Tec is a sports company that manufactures outdoor clothing and footwear. They are looking for a marketing specialist who will be responsible for all activities relating to consumer marketing. Just a few of the requirements they have are a bachelor degree from a University or college, 2-3 years of marketing experience, knowledge of footwear and apparel, Microsoft Office skills, and someone who embodies a “team player” attitude.
We began by looking up reviews on what people have said a job at Hi Tec is like. Overall they received positive reviews from people who posted on There were 3 posts and a few of the things said were “productive and fun work place”, “colleagues are always smiling” and occasionally they would have team building exercises. On the stars rating, the lowest was a 3/5 on job security/ advancement but all other categories received at least a 4/5. One review suggested they could improve on management.
On there was one review posted which gave the company a 2/5 but said it was a “family company with a flexible outlook” but had “poor process control and management”.
Next we did extensive research on sites such as and Ebay on Hi Tec products. Their most popular product seems to be hiking shoes, which are very highly rated (above four stars). We then looked into their most popular hiking shoe. The Waimea Falls Outdoor Sandal had 265 reviews with an average rating of 4.2/5 stars. People who have worn the shoe thoroughly enjoy the fit , and comfortableness of the shoe. They also seem to be a fan of how their feet respond to such a comfortable shoe. However, the wearers of the shoe admit it isn’t the most fashionable outdoor shoe around. Considering this is a woman’s shoe we believe the company should put more consideration into the fashionable side of this popular product.
After looking at Hi Tec’s website it seemed very evident that Hi Tec Sports is a company that focuses very much on the quality and technology of its products. They seem to be a very product driven company and after seeing the reviews on Amazon and Ebay, they are reaching their goal of producing and selling well liked and purchased outdoor gear.
HTML/CSS Workshop
StandardThis assignment took a lot of trial and error. Learning to write code is never easy. Changing the colors of the boxes was easy to figure out and also changing the font type. However it was difficult to figure how to change the font size, which we had to ask help for. Eventually we figured it all out and made it so the boxes fit perfectly into the layout we chose for our blog page.
Hello, my friend !
Olá, meu amigo !
Hello , saaxiibkay !