

Hazelnuts Team Schedule

May 24, 2021


5:00 pm – 6:30 pm 

Platform: Zoom

Join the meeting by clicking this link. You’ll be placed in a waiting room and let in when the program begins at 5:00 pm. 

May 25, 2021 


Optional Webfoot Coffee Reception
8:30 am – 9:00 am

Platform: SpatialChat

Join the coffee by clicking this link. SpatialChat is a fun, informal platform that recreates the networking reception in the virtual world. 

Meeting with Rep. Theresa Alonso Leon
9:00 am – 9:15 am

Platform: Zoom

Join the meeting by clicking this link. 

Student Basic Needs Legislative Briefing
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Platform: Zoom

Join the briefing by clicking this link. You’ll be placed in a waiting room and let in when the program begins at 12:00 pm. 


Oregon House District 22 race: Teresa Alonso Leon holds initial lead

B.A., Western Oregon University; M.P.A., Portland State University.

Teresa Alonso Leon was elected to serve District 22 in 2016.

She previously worked as the Higher Education Coordinating Commission as the State High School Equivalency and GED Administrator. Additionally, she was director of the College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) at Portland Community College’s Rock Creek Campus.

Rep. Alonso Leon served on the Woodburn City Council.

District 22 covers north of Salem on the I-5 corridor. It includes Woodburn, Gervais, and part of North Salem.

Use the form to the left to let UO government and community relations know how your meetings went. Please fill out this form for every meeting. Only one meeting participant needs to fill out the form. This is a great role for your captain! And don't forget to scroll down on this page to upload any group photos you take during UO Day!