Here are some of the frequently used keyboard shortcuts in Final Cut Pro. There are many, many more, so always be on the lookout for shortcuts that could help you edit more efficiently.

J, K, L Rewind, Pause, Fast Forward N Snapping on/off
Shift Z Zoom to Fit Cmnd +, – Zoom in and out
Cmnd Z Undo Cntl R Render Selection
T Trim Tool I, O Place In and Out Point
R Range Selector Tool Opt X Clear In and Out
B Blade Tool Opt V Paste Attributes
A Arrow Tool Cmnd K Keyword Collection Tool
M Place Marker Q Connected Edit
P Position Tool W Insert Edit
Opt F Insert Freeze Frame E Append Edit
Cmnd G Create Storyline Cmnd T Dissolve Transition
V Clip Disable Cntl D Change Duration

This page was written by Kevin May for the University of Oregon Cinema Studies Department, and is published under Creative Commons license (CC BY NC SA 3.0).

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