Canon 90D Camera Kit – Video Tutorial

Below you will find a series of videos describing the contents of our Canon 90D Camera, building a kit, using the camera, and how to break down and put away the kit properly.

***If you need it, go to the Equipment PDF Guides & Resources page to find the 90D User Guide

***Also the Lens Cleaning Tutorial

1. What’s in the 90D Kit


2. Using the tripod


3. Camera Mount & SD Card


4. Camera Settings & SD Card Formatting

Topics: lens setup, shutter speed, aperture, resolution, frame rate, SD card formatting


5. Exposure Settings

Topics: shutter speed, aperture, ISO


6. Additional Exposure Settings

Topics: exposure, histogram, ISO, aperture, depth-of-field


7. White Balance & Picture Profile

Topics: custom white balance, zoom, focus, picture profile, recording, reviewing footage


8. Audio Settings & Breakdown